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Members: 1538
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
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Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 02/20/2014 04:18 PM · For: Helpless: Part 2 (What's Right About This Passage Again?)

Oh, so sad! 

The way Faith reacts is completely understandable given her trust issues but part of me was begging her to just listen to Buffy. At least she'll still trust Joyce. I hope anyway.

I'm surprised Travers managed to get out of that library without getting punched. Both of them had an amazing amount of restraint. And injuries, too.

Can't wait for the next chapter! Better times for Buffy and Faith, perhaps?

Author's Response:

Yeah, Faith is really hurting, that's for sure. And her walls have gone back up, but they're not as strong as before. Maybe there's some hope for Buffy!

Travers got out because of the two girls being pretty injured mostly! If Faith had still had her abilities...he might've been in serious danger.

'The Zeppo''s turning into a pretty big chapter, and not at all like the actual episode- the focus is kind of on our two slayers and the apocolypse (Faith's first!)

Thanks for the thoughts, always interested in what you have to say!

Name: red_crayon (Anonymous) · Date: 02/19/2014 09:54 AM · For: Helpless: Part 1 (Future Girl)

Oooh, what's going on? Intrigued to find out whether it's the council messing with the mojo, or if it's related to Buffy's time travelling/re-write...

Really enjoyed the fight scene, could see the stars when she was hit with the paperweight... Owsers. 

Now. Is it the weekend yet? Excited for the next chapter :-)

Author's Response:

Yeah, I really enjoyed the fight stuff...maybe that makes me a sadist, I'm not sure. But, poor Buffy. Oh, well, she's a tough cookie.

Thanks for your thoughts.

I do like eager readers...oh, alright next chapters up!

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 02/19/2014 03:39 AM · For: Helpless: Part 1 (Future Girl)
interesting and action packed chapter! so was it magic or that thingy that the council did? excited to read more!

Author's Response:

Ooh, mystery and action! I just do everything. Although one of those optons will be ruled out soon enough.

I'm glad your enjoying it- thanks for the kind words.

Name: SixPerfections (Signed) · Date: 02/19/2014 01:07 AM · For: Helpless: Part 1 (Future Girl)

Man. Interesting chapter. Poor Buffy got the crap beat out of her by Mr Trick and his vampy goons. I was wincing for her, she was in a lot of trouble. You made the whole scenario seem pretty damn terrifying. I knew she wouldnt die but I couldn't help but feeling through that fight that Faith was suddenly going to be one lonely slayer.

The dream with Faith in it was messed up. So was Buffy feeling a bit apprehensive about Faith when she woke up. So ... I'm guessing it's the wish demon that's messing with Buffy's head. This is when he starts to get his pound of flesh. Still... I'm not a huge fan of fics where one or the other Slayer gets mind controlled/possessed/cursed/etc to start acting weird and put a strain on their relationship. There are plenty of ways for them to have relationship challenges, hell there are enough fo those without some outside influence like that. Still I'm just guessing where you might be going with this. I have no idea and am excited to find out.

Faith Slaying with xander and willow in the beginning was really nice btw. Seeing Willow so happy to be out Slaying with Faith was such a huge shocker of a difference from how much she hated her.. and now she really likes her. I'm just saying it was fun to see. And the banter about wolverine and spider-man made me crack up, I'm a sucker for geeky pop culture references :D

Random sidenote: if you take requests, I'm going to make one that you include a few more scenes at some point of Joyce mothering Faith. It's really sweet and heartwarming and something I enjoy (and that Faith could use). Just think about it :)

Wonderful chappy, as ususal.


Author's Response:

Yeah, poor Buffy seems to be getting slapped around a lot, and she's in for some more pain! (I do feel really bad doing it, but drama is drama). I'm glad you enjoyed all the fight-y stuff.

Nope, no possession, I'm just reminding people how badly the Buffy/Faith thing actually went...and yes it is linked to her wish, as will become clearer a couple of chapters later.

Well, Faith reads lots of comic books, so she has some geeky creds, and the slaying with Xander and Willow, while unusual, will be explained. Glad you enjoyed the nerd banter!

There will be a lot of Joyce/Faith stuff in 'The Zeppo'- to see why, keep reading...

Name: Anon (Anonymous) · Date: 02/18/2014 06:46 AM · For: Helpless: Part 1 (Future Girl)

Wow things are not going according to plan!. Giles would have to be a real dick to have poisoned her again but hopefully its something different.

Author's Response:

Yeah, Giles' brilliant plan didn't work, that's a first.

And no, he didn't poison Buffy.


Thanks for your thoughts and keep reading!

Name: red_crayon (Signed) · Date: 02/12/2014 08:57 AM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)

Really enjoyed Faith's characterisation in this chapter and thought the part where she throws her stake over the edge was a nice touch – complex feelings she's wrestling with, it felt very true to form.

Did wonder how you were going to tackle/alter the episode and very satisfied with the outcome!

Looking forward to the next chapter: next up, Gingerbread, right? Mom-centric episode which I loved for all of the emotional complexity. Really eager to see your take, and where/how Faith fits in to the Buffy-Joyce dynamic, maybe even raising some more of Faith's own mommy-issues?... Good work :-) and thank you!



Author's Response:

Thanks, I had great fun with the Angel/Faith climax. I really think these two characters click, in a non-romantic way.

I'm glad you liked that I played around with the whole Buffy/First dynamic, a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed that., not Gingerbread. The thing is Gingerbread is a really good mystery (I actually quite like the episode, nice twists and lots of good stuff about censorship, wheter Buffy is really making a difference, etc.) but the second time around Buffy will figure things out in seconds and fill in taken care of. As a writer I couldn't think of a way to make it interesting, sorry.

However, fear not, there will be some juicy Faith-Joyce stuff coming up in Helpless, plus the two slayers are in for a rough time...

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 02/11/2014 01:41 PM · For: Amends: Part 3 (The Gift That Keeps On Giving)
very tastefully done!

Author's Response:

Thank you, I'm glad you found it tasteful and not cheap, or sleazy or smu...well, actually some smut is good!


Thanks for the feedback.

Name: JellyLikeKelly (Signed) · Date: 02/10/2014 03:06 PM · For: Amends: Part 3 (The Gift That Keeps On Giving)

I LOVE the Go Ask Malice references. And you definitely rock at the naughtiness. Can we date now?

Author's Response:

I glad you like it! Go Ask Malice is something I've read about three times since Christmas, it's fantastic.

I'm really thankful people are liking the sexy, naughty stuff. Big relief.


But I don't know, aren't you digging the rugged, sexy, mysterious, fan-fic writer thing I've got going on? If we dated you might realise that I'm none of those things! (well, apart from fan-fic writer obviously..)

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2014 09:45 PM · For: Amends: Part 3 (The Gift That Keeps On Giving)

Wow, Faith was really confident in getting Buffy that present!  And she even used it in front of her.  I wasn't expecting that but it was a nice surprise.  :)

I love that Faith finally had a good Christmas and that it wasn't just Buffy that tried to make it that way.  It was great to see that Joyce really played a part in that, too.

Really enjoyed the use of Faith's backstory, too.  I was just paging through 'Go Ask Malice' yesterday while doing some writing of my own so it was fun to see you use it.  

Very enjoyable chapter!  Can't wait to read what comes next!  :)

Author's Response:

Yeah, Faith doesn't see sex as a big thing- I guess that might mean she's open to, um, unusual presents!

And I imagine Faith probably had her best Christmas (maybe she had a couple of good ones when she was really young and her Dad was still around, who knows?). And having seen how welcoming Joyce was in that short scene in 'Amends' I always imagine she would be a big part of any good experience- I'm glad you liked!


I got 'Go Ask Malice' for Christmas and I love it. It makes you feel for her character so much because you know about all the badness to come...but you also she her potential to be something really great and special. Just like Buffy.


Thank you for your thoughts! I love reading them.

Name: SixPerfections (Anonymous) · Date: 02/09/2014 08:03 PM · For: Amends: Part 3 (The Gift That Keeps On Giving)

Wow. First thing that comes to mind is that that was the most colorful description of an orgasm I have ever read. But it managed to work and not come across as honky in any way, so I have to say very original wording and very well done. You strike a good balance overall in your love making scenes (well this one) with flowery language and keeping it feeling real and visceral (as all good sexual scenes should).

I can kind of see why you did this instead of full on sex. First it makes a lot of sense.. this is the sort of thing first time inexperienced people would do. Secondly if you take it a little at a time you'll always have something new to write about when it comes time to 'sexy' scenes. And... well given that this story is shaping up to be truly epic length.. (if my guess is right you can't be more than halfway done with the story at this point) then you have to make it so that each time its fresh and original. don't have any doubt you'll pull it off.

Other than that I really liked the symbolism of Buffy giving Faith that bow for Christmas as a way to help let go of the past. If/when Faith gets her memories back that is for sure going to be one of the things she keeps in mind as she tries to reconcile everything that originally happened and everything that is happening 2.0.. Also... lol yeah a vibrator for Christmas was kinda.... ahem.... not the best traditional present. But Buffy pushed past her discomfort and made something good out of it instead of leaving Faith feeling dissapointed and thinking Buffy didnt like her gift. Buffy making an effort at acceptance was the best part of that methinks.

Sad that this chapter was shorter than your ussual ones but it was still a great chapter... not to mention a significant one. Love it, can't wait for more. :)

Author's Response:

Ahem...I thank you. Obviously I had to use my imagination a little...and my beta added a couple of key things. I'm very glad it didn't come across as weird or badly written, so thanks for the reassurance!

Buffy's thought process is something like this: sex with a girl: strange, sex with Faith: crazy weird. So she's naturally a little shy when it comes to moving things up to the next level.

I'm glad you liked her reasoning about pushing past her own discomfort to show Faith something different. I think it mirrored Faith's own efforts to open up emotionally quite well.

As for story length...without giving too much away. It is gonna be kinda epic in length (moreso that I thought before I started the story), but maybe not in the way that you're thinking. This is a Buffy POV story and I was trying to imagine of a way to expand the scope so I could fit in other point's of view. I think I figured out a way.

Thanks again for your thoughts!!

Name: SixPerfections (Anonymous) · Date: 02/09/2014 07:26 PM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)

Buffy finally told Giles about the wish. Well I'm glad she did when it counted, that is when the stuff hit the fan with the First upping his game. And before that with Faith suspecting something and that little dream that Buffy had... it was pretty intense. I can feel the stress Buffy was under and how kinda uncomfortable/questioning Faith was about the whole thing. Pretty good start to the chapter.

Then.. Lying about 'why' she made the wish to Giles just screams potential complications, especially since he was all 'its very important you tell me the truth' and all. It's so Buffy to lie like that, even though she means well. Makes me seriously wonder what the consequenses of that will be.

The Angel/Buffy dream was pretty erotic and disturbing since I so do not want that happening any time soon or like, ever. Damn crazy dreams. And Faith waking her up and being like 'you were moaning'... lol how embarrassing/mortifying. Poor Buffy

Also... Xander referring to two girls kissing as giving him 'Inspiration'.. did you get that from Naruto? You totally did! :D

Faith talking Angel down was.. both expected and unexpected. Mostly unexpected. It was deep yo. I loved that scene. It really shows that Faith has grown, maybe even a great deal. Loved it.

Also... The First's creepyfying ominous talk about what is gonna happen 'cuz of the wish.. that was good. A good story needs some decent forshadowing IMO. Nicely done this whole chapter :D


Author's Response:

Yeah, Buffy finally comes clean, sort of. The ramifications of which will be felt throughout the next few chapters- everything's changing.

And Buffy lying...I'm glad you thought it was in character. She always doing it, keeping things to herself, even if they are for noble reasons. (imo it's one of her biggest faults)

When I first started watching Buffy I pretty much shipped Bangel, and I thought in 'Amends' they did a fairly tasteful erotic scene (certainly better than the...later Spuffy scenes, which I find either disturbing or unintentionaly funny...), I'm glad I 'captured' the essence of it, I could show how Buffy's feelings were shifting away from Angel towards Faith.

Xander was just uttering what every hetrosexual man would be thinking in those circumstances. After all, he's supposed to be the 'everyman' character.

And I didn't want to write a retread of the Buffy/Angel scene. I always thought that Faith and Angel would always have that symmetry of helping each other out if and when they needed it. And, yeah, I always thought Faith had it in her to actually put herself out there to save somebody, and in this case Buffy helps her to do it.

Ah, I do enjoy some good foreshadowing- and this is gonna keep building for a while...

I've glad you enjoyed it all- thanks for the comments- you're too kind.

Name: Cookierhys2010 (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2014 01:02 PM · For: Amends: Part 3 (The Gift That Keeps On Giving)

GREAT update! Very sexy!


How thoughtful of Faith to get Buffy a vibratory! Actually loved Faith's reasoning behind it too, very sweet!


Am worried about what's gonna happen next 'wish' wise though, and what's gonna happen during Helpless... 


Update soon please.... And also, please stop hurting the kitties!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks, my first 'proper' sex scene, and the specifics were given to me by somebody else (including the actual webpage where that specific vibe is for sale!- It's quite reasonable...)

Yeah, I think Faith's reasoning was very Faith-like, she sees sex and getting horny as a very natural thing, it's the other stuff (Luuuvvve!) that she'e wary of.

My beta is re-reading Helpless now (a little slow... *grumble grumble*) and yes, ther is badness ahead of our chosen two- easily the darkest chapter so far.


*HA!* The kittens are safe now, I promise! They're is a nice, warm home with plenty of balls of wool and catnip

Thanks for the kind words.

Name: DYMN (Signed) · Date: 02/07/2014 03:23 AM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)

STILL LOVING THIS!!!!!!! Great job as always. Keep it up ^_^

Author's Response:

Thanks for the response, you're very kind. And I intend to, I've kind of cemented in my head an idea for a sequel/continuation.

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 02/05/2014 05:42 AM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)
great chapter!

Author's Response:

Thank you very much! Appreciated.

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 02/04/2014 02:18 PM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)

Wow, for a minute I thought Faith would just stake Angel. She must really trust Buffy's reasoning for wanting him around and of course, she must have some strong feelings for Buffy, too.

I really like how you've set up everything for Buffy to defeat the First and I enjoyed the little warning it gave her. Definitely means more problems to come, right?

I hoped Buffy would be honest with Giles but I suppose the revelation will happen eventually. Great chapter! :)

Author's Response:

Yeah, what I was going for was the discussion Buffy and Faith had the night earlier got Faith thinking- why is this guy worth it? Also about the 'choice' to do evil or good which is touched on in the series. But a lot of this is because she loves Buffy and for that reason didn't hurt Angel.

Oh, yes- a big plot hint that may sort of get resolved in the short term, but will have long term repercussions (he, he cryptic...)

The Buffy/Giles stuff will be explored much more fully in 'Helpless' and 'The Zeppo' both of which I'm working on now.

Thank you again- eagerly awaiting more 'Tricked' (...which is kind of a similar idea- only it's Faith who knows the truth. Huh, very cool)

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 02/04/2014 04:06 AM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)

You're awesome.

This fic is awesome.


Buffy's quips? Perfection.


you write like Joss. amazing.


and brava for Faith, she's a good girl at heart, just lost.


Author's Response:

Many humble thanks for your gushing praise- I have the biggest smile on my face right now!! ('Write like Joss' in particular...only I bet he doesn't have so many typo's...)

Yep, Faith really is a sweetie- just lost. She finds herself eventually though, this time Buffy gets to help. aw...


Thanks again for your continued support!

Name: Azirahael (Signed) · Date: 02/04/2014 12:21 AM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)



This is going good. nice story, good slow buildup to the Fuffy goodness.


one thing i'd suggest, google "There, Their, They're" and read up on what they do.


Kinda jarring to read a great story, and have the sharp poke-y bits of that disruption the immersion.


Otherwise good, keep up the good work!



Author's Response:

Thanks for the comments, and the critiquing- I swear I would go insane if I couldn't correct these stories after I posted them.

Um, usually I'm better with 'Their, there, they're'. it's 'past' and 'passed' that I get confused with (which, of course is now sorted)

More stuff coming soon!

Name: Cookierhys2010 (Signed) · Date: 02/03/2014 01:38 PM · For: Amends: Part 2 (First Things...Second)

Good update!


glad Buffy was able to beat the first, with Faith's help of course!


and very very much looking forward to next chapter!!!! Please update soon!

Author's Response:

Thank you- I didn't really want to repeat the whole Angel/Buffy scene- I don't think I could've added anything new. This way Angel and Faith got to bond in a different way (I always think of them as friends now so...)

Ah, but is the First ever actually truly beaten... (well, yes but still.)

Next update is pretty short, so should be up on Friday (ish?)

Name: crisangel (Signed) · Date: 01/31/2014 04:38 PM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)

Excellent! Some intrigue, some sexy times, but THEN! The first real sense of danger, and boy, is it delicious!

I meant to mention this in the review of the last chapter (but then forgot to post it? :-)...  Anywho, I love the central mystery of how Buffy's wish came true and what the repercutions will be, so I'm thrilled you've circled back to it, and in such a big way!

It may be too late if you've already written it, but I say only pursue The Zeppo if there's some way to tie it in with your central storyline.  With Xander and Cordelia still together (so far) and Faith off the market (*ahem*), I feel like there's only so much it can add, especially in it's original incarnation since the focus was on how useless Xander felt.

Still, you write the other Scoobies well and I enjoy it when you incorporate them.  Fuffy stories where they either never appear or are wooden caricatures that never make it off the sidelines just take me out of the fic.

But whatever, ignore me. I love what you do, keep doing it, don't ever change...


Author's Response:

Thanks for your thoughts...the wish stuff will be a bit more of a factor in some of the upcoming chapters, until it isn't. (If that makes sense...)

But the mystery will become slightly less mysterious over the next chapter or two- The First does like to torment after all.

Hmm, on reflection I'm gonna write my version of 'The  Zeppo',the pacing of the story works better if I do. (Plus I do love the episode)

although it might be a little different with Cordelia now in the mix. But hopefully Xander will still get to save the day- who knows maybe Buffy might find out this time?

I'll keep doing what I'm doing as long as you guys (and gals) shower me with praise- don't go changin'.

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 01/31/2014 04:54 AM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)
soooooo, this is the consequences to the wish, the first knows everything and can stay at least one step ahead. loved the whole chapter, faiths joy at looking for a christmas tree was so sweet. cannot wait to see what happens next! post again soon.

Author's Response:

Yes, we're gonna see a lot of wish downsides on the horizon, kinda like a domino effect.

I'm glad lots of people liked Faith's innocent behaviour about Christmas, being a big kid at heart. She's more than just a bad-girl badass (bad-girl-ass? Doesn't work)

Thaks for reviewing.

Name: Cookierhys2010 (Signed) · Date: 01/30/2014 09:14 PM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)

Uh oh not good! The first knows... Did the first send Buffy back? Maybe she better fess up to Giles, which will be bad for her relationship with Faith when she finds out...


Mmm sexy Fuffy second base!!!!


please update soon!

Author's Response:

I always thought that The First was a pretty good bad guy- just not well executed sometimes. It should be some kind of evil (well, duh) mastermind.

It sure does seem that Buffy's up against it *gasp*

Rounding second...with third in sight.


Thanks for the review.

Name: MickTrex (Signed) · Date: 01/30/2014 06:04 PM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)

Oh that twist. And that slayer-themed erotica. It really is like christmas came, i'll get my coat.

Awesome chapter, killing it as always. Looking forward to what changes may come in consequence to Buffy's 'wish'. 


Author's Response:

Thank you, I find blending plot and erotica can sometimes be a lost art. So it's a good thing this isn't art! mmm...boobs.

More wish consequences to come. Thanks again for the comments.

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 01/30/2014 04:49 PM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)

Brilliant dialog as usual. Perfect Buffy-speak and a great appearance by the awesome Xander.


love faith getting a nice Xmas and Buffy not shutting her out.


plots starthg to ramp up now and I must admit to being very tense at the end! Damn cliffies!!!


as usual - counting the nanoseconds till the next installment. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind review- you won't have to wait too long for Part 2 (which isn't so cliffy)

Xander, on top form, is very  awesome- I like the way he stays pretty consistant throughout the series.

Buffy is going to give Faith a very memorable Christmas.*cough, cough* Part 3. *cough*

Name: SixPerfections (Anonymous) · Date: 01/30/2014 02:30 PM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)

Wow, finally the plot seems to differ in a major way from the canon, what with the First being all in-the-know and getting the jump on Buffy in this one. How is she going to explain what is going on to Faith? It seems like her whole time traveling secret is getting much closer to the surface, much closer to being revealed. That sucks for her. Inevitable but it will still suck for her. Poor Buff

Also, really hot with the girls getting to second base. Not much to say about that other than I'm glad to see things moving forward and that you did a pretty good job with it. Not too bad.

I kind of like that Faith is opening up to Joyce at least a little more than she is to Buffy. I think it makes a lot of sense in fact, trusting a caring dependable mother figure with some of your dark secrets you probably need to eventually get off your chest, rather than doing it with your hot girlfriend who you are still feeling like you're on somewhat shaky terms with. I know she'll eventually have to open up to Buffy and I hope she gets there before too long 'cuz that would be great... but how it is now I like it and like I said I think it makes a lot of sense.

I also kinda loved Joyce being all nurturing and protective of Faith, telling Buffy how they needed to make it a good christmas for her and take care of her. It's really sweet and good to see. Faith acting like a little kid with the christmas trees was fun too. That's part of what makes Faith so interesting. As much as she wants to come across and this unassailable badass (and she is a badass in a lot of ways) she still has a very child-like, extremely vunerable side to her. I like it and it's sweet.

Great chapter. Can't wait for more. :D

Author's Response:

Yeah, the plot is gonna start deviating from canon a little bit from now on, Buffy will have to make a few more tough decisions in the future. No one ever said being a slayer was easy.

Yes, the fact is these are two interesting characters played by two stunningly beautiful actresses. So, it's really my duty to write these scenes. That's the way I see it anyway!

I imagine a lot of hugging between Joyce and Faith and Joyce getting seriously motherly with her. I think a large part of Faith would love being treated like that. And, yeah, its something she couldn't do with Buffy just yet.

Again, my sincere thanks for your detailed review- I always like to know what people enjoyed most!

Name: JellyLikeKelly (Signed) · Date: 01/30/2014 02:27 PM · For: Amends: Part 1 (Christmas Presence)

I just hope you know, I stop everything I'm doing to read your updates. This fic is my weekly brain-gasm.

Author's Response:

Well...I better keep it up then, I wouldn't want to deprive you. *grins*

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