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Omega Rising

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 09:49 PM · For: Chapter 16: Chicago

And I'm back! I only got halfway through this chapter before I had to leave for grad school orientation. There was a big, out loud debate with myself over whether I should actually go, or stay and finish this. Not even kidding. 

I had the strangest thought while Buffy and Faith were having their heart-to-heart while Faith was packing. I suddenly got very sad that Buffy had lost her entire family, including Dawn. Took me a minute to realize Dawn doesn't even exist in this 'verse. And that just made me sadder. Not really a critique or anything, just the rambly thoughts in my brain. 

Now on to the things I love. Can I say everything? Because I seriously love everything about this ending and about this story. Like FFAG, it leaves a lot up to interpretation and leaves a lot of things open-ended. Did the infection really spread to the entire country, or the world? Or was it isolated to the southern California region? Buffy and Faith will find out on their way to Chicago, but we as readers won't (unless you write that sequel. Hint hint!).

I did appreciate that you didn't leave Michael's situation up in the air. That would have been a loose end that would've bugged me forever and ever, I just hate that it had to be Tara to incur his soulless wrath. She's been through so much already! 

After all of the mayhem and trauma of this zombie apocalypse, there really can't be a happy ending, but you leave us with hope, and that to me is much more important. Jacob's wife could hold the key to stopping the outbreak once and for all, and if anyone can find her, it's the Chosen Two. 

"All this destruction, all these people gone, and we're still here." She looks at me. "The Chosen Two, together again, watching it burn down. Maybe that means something." 


Author's Response:

Ahaha! Congrats on grad school, as well as being responsible enough to attend orientation! :D

I confess, I don't actually like writing Dawn very much (weird since she figured prominently in both Flowers and Girl). So I didn't miss her presence here one bit! :p You can say you love everything, yes, that is the correct response. :D You must be the only person in the world who likes open endings. Usually people complain about them. :p You mentioned Tara being through a lot, and I was thinking, well, she's been pretty safe. But actually now that I think more about it... she doesn't know if her family is alive or dead, and she has definitely not bonded that much with Buffy by the end of Season 4. She doesn't know any of these other people. And then Buffy leaves with Faith. Poor Tara. She must really be feeling alone. It's hard to make new friends in the zombipocalypse. They keep getting eaten.

I like to end things with hope--after all I went by Find Hope until I decided aliceinwonderbra was cooler. :p Buffy ended that way, totally open but so hopeful for the future, and I loved that (even if i did hate seasons 6-7).

Thank you so much for reviewing this fic all the way through! I'm sad I reached the end of your reviews. :( I loved all your comments and insights. I need to finish Girl so I can have ALL THE REVIEWS. :D

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 02:36 PM · For: Chapter 15: Losses and Gains

God damn, do you know how to pack an emotional punch. Every bit of this chapter is perfect. 

They've finally found some answers and a potential solution to the most harrowing days? weeks? months? (seriously, what's the timeline here?) of their lives in Jacob and his team's research. Couple that with the Mohra blood and they might just make it out of this alive. But you compound this good news right from the beginning. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, how refreshing your take on Buffy and Faith's relationship is. Yes, they've been building toward something meaningful here. Yes, they allowed themselves a moment of peace. But that doesn't mean they're declaring their undying love for each other, or that things will be any less awkward moving forward than any other time one or both of them has allowed feelings to enter the mix. 

Faith's optimistic view on finding the boy in Cordelia's vision, on everything getting sort of back to normal and turning out alright was always foreshadowing something much darker to come. I knew from the moment Lorne blanched at Kim's humming that she was doomed, but you did a fantastic job of getting us to forget that, and letting us think, as Faith thought, that everything would be okay. Of course it's not. It can't be. Not anymore. 

I didn't think Cordelia would be collateral damage, though. That's a blow that won't heal. She's been a part of all of this from the very beginning, before Spike, before Faith, before Tara, before Wesley and Gunn, and she's gone in just a breath. 

One more chapter to wrap this up and find out if they're going to beat this thing or not. Adding something (someone?) like Michael to the mix this late in the game is a little terrifying. Did you say something about a sequel?

Author's Response:

The timeline is weeks, not months. You're checking in with Faith pretty much every day, so it's a really tight timeline. The outbreak at the prison occurred on Sept 21, 2000 per my notes, lol. I was gonna say I usually go for the love declaration in fic, and this story was the exception, but actually now I don't think that's true. Chutes, yes. Omega, no. Flowers, no. Girl, not so far. And rarely in the short stories too. Hmm. I am not as schmoopy as I thought. :p These two are nowhere near a love declaration--but they can definitely get to trusted allies who do it sometimes. :D The sequel should I ever write it may get them to a lovey place, but I think because of the setting, it won't be conventional by any means. You don't need to have the exclusivity talk when everyone you know is dead and you just travel across the country chopping up zombies. I do think it would be important for Faith to hear eventually that Buffy has grown to love her. Faith so needs love, and learning that Buffy truly forgives her and trusts her would be so tranformative for her. The seeds started here, with them backing each other up, Buffy relying on Faith as an ally, caring for her when she's weak, etc. But they have so much more ahead of them. I think Buffy gains a lot from this relationship too. I think she did carry a lot of regret and pain over what happened with Faith, and now she can let it go. Plus, with almost everyone she loves stripped away, Faith is a link to her past, and one who isn't likely to die any time soon.

Curse you, now I want to start writing this!

I actually debated on letting Kim live--there's an easter egg around here somewhere that has that scene--because I was attached to her too, and I hated hurting Faith. But I think it was right for the plot. That's also part of the reason that I didn't intend for Kim to be interpreted as a jealous potential lover. I wanted her death to be meaningful to Faith because she was a sweet person who adored Faith, and who Faith allowed herself to care for right back. I think their (mostly) platonic relationship served that better.

I actually really like Cordelia, but some people had to die off-screen. :)

What sequel? Who said that?

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 02:07 PM · For: Chapter 14: Bedside Manner

If there is anything I have learned from reading your stories over the last couple of weeks, it's that every good action has consequences, and every loose thread will eventually get tied up. 

The vampire "safe" house was something that I thought was resolved, mostly, when Faith and Wesley and Kim left it all those chapters ago. The fact that you brought it back now, and gave Faith the opportunity to take Helmet-face on and kick his undead ass was awesome. That, and he gave them a lead on the boy in Cordelia's vision, and Faith is 2 for 2 in the saving the world department here. 

The dog is a little silly, though allowed for some sweet moments, and I love dogs so I'll let it slide. ;) 

One thing I love about your stories is that when Faith and Buffy get together, it feels earned. They've been rebuilding their relationship from the moment they first laid eyes on each other again. A little teasing here, a little flirting here, some near-death experiences, and they're finally in that place where they can trust each other, not just with their lives but with their bodies and, to some extent, their emotions. But like I said, no good deed goes unpunished in your stories, and as much as I want these two to make it, I know they're not in the clear yet. 

Author's Response:

That dog is a blatant self-insert of my childhood dog. :D You better get on board and love her! :p Oh man, if you think I always tie up the loose ends, how did you even get through Chutes?

I wish I had spent more time on the vampire safe-houses. They're in a very interesting conundrum, what with their desire to eat the humans conflicting with the dwindling food source. Perhaps they'll reappear in the sequel. I'd like to see the Scoobs--err, what shall we call them now that I killed all the Scoobs??--having to work with vamps to keep humans safe.  They'd be so self righteous about it, and Spike would just be thrilled like, 'hey, can you slice your arm open and drop a little blood in this cup for me? Gotta mind the chip, thanks, love.'

No good deed, indeed. You were proven right in the next chapter, haha. The excellent thing about zombie apocalypses is I think they bring on this 'any port in a storm' mentality too. Like, okay, Buffy in a non zombie infested world would think more about this, but well, life's short and then they eat you, so if you can get some comfort from your hot slaying buddy, why not? It's probably not her most considerate move in terms of Faith's feelings, but I think she's going with her gut here, and whether her mind's ready to follow, the gut's saying Faith. :)

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 01:46 PM · For: Chapter 13: Splinters

It's almost dizzying how much happens in the span of this one chapter. The Mohra demons were a long shot, but it was an interesting way to take the story. I had almost forgotten that Cordelia got visions this early in the Angel mythos, and I'm still a little skeptical of their inclusion here. If the Mohra were a bust, what use could this one boy have in the grand scheme of things? 

But maybe that's the point that Buffy was getting at: if he's alive, he's a life worth saving in all of this chaos. That's what Slayers were built to do, and that's what Buffy and Angel and Faith have pledged, in one way or another, to dedicate their lives to: helping the hopeless, saving the world, one innocent at a time. 

I get Angel's point of view, though. With everything that's happening, and with a possible real lead on a cure, why waste time and resources in finding one little boy without knowing why he's important, or if he's important? It brings Buffy back to basics, but is that really necessary right now? Only time will tell, I guess. 

Add to that the fact that Faith was very seriously hurt, and so was Spike, again, and are they really all playing with a full deck anymore? Faith and Buffy should both know by now that a little search and rescue is anything but in an apocalypse.

That sense of foreboding is back in a big way, but there are only a few chapters left. The shit's gonna hit the fan in a big way, that much I can tell. I just don't know what the aftermath will be in all of this. 

Author's Response:

I guess this is pretty early in Cordy's vision having, since it's set post Season 1 finale. I think both Angel and Buffy have valid points and it comes down to whether you're willing to have blind faith in TPTB. Neither of them have any reason to do so by now, since TPTB are basically fucking with them all the time. Buffy's motivated less by actual trust in them than by the constant need to keep doing something lest she find a minute to fall apart at the seams. Faith's obviously motivated by Buffy, which Angel sees right through. I think you kind of distilled the difference between BtVS and AtS there pretty well though. AtS is about big choices--take over an evil law firm if you think you can make it a little better, sure, why not? Have Jasmine's influence be the entire planet, end the series on a send Los Angeles to hell note, etc. BtVS does big archs, but at its core I found it more about little moments--one innocent at a time. Every person's life being worth ending the world, because if you have to sacrifice an innocent, then the cost is too high. AtS grew to a much darker place, which I liked also. They both had their merits. I guess it's like what I was saying about Buffy vs. Faith. For Buffy, every person is important. For Angel and Faith, I think that's true, but they also see the bigger picture. Plus Angel has the benefit of a very long life. He's way wiser than Buffy. Not to say I think Buffy's wrong to save this person. Humans are in short order nowadays, and they should scoop 'em up while they can.

I am in ramble mode at this point. I bow before your reviewing skills. :)

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 01:13 PM · For: Chapter 11: Rites

It's funny what I remember of this story from the first time I read it and what I don't. For instance, I remember being somewhat put out by the fact that Giles got a proper funeral, of sorts, but Xander didn't.

This time around, though, it makes a lot more sense, especially in the context of Buffy being so ready to get outta dodge right afterwards. Giles' funeral is definitely in his honor (and I love that Faith suggests the bookstore), but for Buffy and Tara, it's really a funeral for all they've lost and all they're leaving behind in Sunnydale.

I don't remember how the rest of this goes, and I know it's probably impossible since this is from Faith's point of view, but I'd love to see a scene or two of Buffy and Tara leaning on each other for support through their shared grief.

The reunion between the Sunnydale and LA crews was inevitable, but it definitely puts a different spin on the story from here on out, especially with Kim and Cordelia in the mix. Buffy is really only as solid as she lets herself be, and jealousy has always been an ugly look on her. Here's hoping they make it somewhere safe before she has a complete meltdown. 

Author's Response:

Actually, you know what? I saved the reviews from bnf when I took my leave. I just checked and you reviewed this chapter before and did mention your displeasure with Xander's lack of funeral! Lol. I don't think you were the only one though. It was basically just because she had to keep moving and find zombie!Giles so she could put him down. No disrespect to Xander (altho I'm not a Xander fan). The bad thing about writing in Faith's POV was that we missed out on those kind of scenes that would have been excellent additions to a fic like this. I mean, Faith could have witnessed Buffy and Tara talking, but I don't know if it would really ring true that way.

Almost everyone who ever read this story talked about Buffy being jealous over Kim. It's so funny to me, because I didn't intend to write that. I was more going for a Buffy being curious vibe, just because it seems so weird to her that Faith has a friend. I think if Faith had said right now, this is my main squeeze, Kim. Buffy would have been like okay, whatever, and gone about her business. I think the relationship they create here is based on attraction and the tension of harrowing circumstances. Obviously there are feelings from Faith's side, but I think Buffy's feelings are much less clear, and she's much less aware of them anyway. This could have gone either way for her. I could easily see her turning to Angel in this 'verse, since all those big questions about their future and finding someone who can be in the sun with her are basically moot. From Kim's side, I think she gets to read Faith pretty quickly because they spend that time alone on the road. She sees the writing on the wall as soon as she meets Buffy. I think she has a lot of hero worship for Faith, and she wouldn't kick her out of bed for sure, but she's not jealous of Buffy really. Maybe a little disappointed.

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 12:58 PM · For: Chapter 10: Collateral Damage

Seriously? Giles AND Xander? And almost Spike and Angel? You're fucking evil, you know that? the best way possible because the entire time I was reading this chapter I was amazed (and still am) at your ability to keep the story moving while still cloaking it in this awful sense of foreboding. God dammit. 

One of the things I like most about your writing is how tight it is. There are no loose ends as far as major plot points are concerned, the slower parts come when the characters and the readers need a break, but the action is never too far behind for us to forget that this isn't over. You allow lighthearted moments because people will always find the littlest things to laugh over to keep themselves from going crazy in a crisis.

I love that you didn't just let Faith get bitten and say "Okay, she can't be infected. Slayer thing, moving on." It might not be at the forefront of the story, but it's not any less important to Faith now than the moment she first discovered the bite that first day out of prison. Of course she's not going to advertise the fact that she's immune because Faith will unfortunately always second-guess herself, but when Buffy is bitten, too, Faith doesn't even hesitate to stop her from doing something stupid and unnecessary. 

But is this now a world that Buffy's going to want to stay in? Her mother is missing and probably dead. Her best friend is dead. Her mentor and father figure was ripped apart right in front of her. And now her other best friend is one of the walking dead. What hope in the world does Buffy have left if not her family? 

Author's Response:

Word. i've heard that before. I wear that adjective with pride. >:) I think in the state of the world as it is, ordinary humans aren't going to last long without serious protection. And even then it's not always foolproof. Tara lasts, but that's because she rarely goes in the path of danger. Spike, Angel, Faith, and Buffy are super powered, and they all get bitten. If they weren't immune, they'd be goners. Gunn does manage to go on the road and survive, but come on, Gunn or Xander? Who's your money gonna be on? :) As for how Buffy finds the strength to go on, I think she feels personal responsibility for everyone left from Sunnydale, so she's going to keep fighting for them. There's also Angel. It's always a bit tricky to write Angel into fuffy fics, because I think B/A had a beautiful story on screen, and I in no way want to diminish it. At the same time, I need it not to be like exploding with passion, because I'm going for the fuffy angle. But I think Angel is family to Buffy. He loves her more than anything, and Buffy loves Angel with all of her heart. As long as he's there, I think she can keep going. People like Tara, the red shirts, and Faith (at this point) are secondary, but still priorities. Buffy the girl can wish she were dead too, but Buffy the slayer has an obligation to keep fighting as long as there are people who need her. Dawn isn't in the fic, obviously, but I think if she had been, her death might have been the one that would put Buffy down. That's also why we never see Joyce. :p

I think the Faith voice really helps with the pacing and ebb and flow of the dark and light parts of the fic. Faith's voice to me feels comedic, so I couldn't have avoided those funny moments if I had wanted to. She's sarcastic and irreverent and since we see it all through her eyes, that sets the tone. i actually debated writing the sequel (haha, isn't it funny how I'm still talking about this sequel??) in Buffy's POV, but I think the thing that made Omega Omega was Faith, and the story needs to finish through Faith.

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 12:03 PM · For: Chapter 8: Ground Zero

Yup. Yup I did read this. At least through this chapter. Can't remember if I went any further because you made ZOMBIE BABIES and that is the most horrible thing ever. That scene has stuck in my brain for YEARS, even if I couldn't remember (or blocked from memory) which story it was from. 

Aside from the massive gross-out that it is, aside from the absolutely horrific implications it has, it's an interesting choice of place for Buffy and Faith to have a bonding moment. You allow Buffy to see how much Faith is struggling with this. You allow Faith the opportunity to physically show Buffy how she's been able to mature, and how much responsibility she's now willing to shoulder.

Faith reacts from the gut when she's at her most on point, and even though that gets her into trouble from time to time, it allows her her humanity. Buffy compartmentalizes every single experience she has. It's how she gets through each day with the knowledge that every single person she loves could die at any minute.

She could have taken care of the babies herself, and she would have come out harder and more brittle because of it. By allowing Faith to take over, Buffy is able to soften. Buffy is able to keep that little shred of her humanity. And that is amazing storytelling. 

For fuck's sake, woman. 

Author's Response:

I think you mean.... BEST THING EVER? That's what you meant, right? I wrote those babies and then I was like, self, this is the best decision you have made in your writing yet. Bravo, self. :D

Do you know why I love getting reviews fom you? You add depth into my shit that I didn't even know was there, lol. :) I'm reading this and saying, ahh yes, Buffy maintaining her squishiness with Faith's help. That's very clever, good work, me. :P I did intend it to be a bonding moment, and kind of self reflection for Buffy. As canon moved beyond Season 4, Faith became the one who could make hard choices, who could take human lives if there was no other option, not without mourning her actions, but knowing it was the right course of action. Buffy's handicap as a slayer is that she can't make those choices. She can do it unintentionally (I think she killed one of the knights in Season 5?). It makes her a wonderful human being, but maybe not always the best slayer (i.e. she'll let the whole world get sucked into Hell before she'll let Dawn die). The only time she ever thought she could do it was with Faith, and I doubt she'd have been able to finish the job if Faith hadn't fallen off the roof. The look on her face when she stabbed Faith was all kinds of gutted. It makes me wonder where Kendra would fall on the spectrum of these kind of hard choices. On the one hand, she was raised from a young age to be a slayer, and put the good of the world first. On the other, I bet the slayer handbook is pretty clear on the 'no killing humans' rule. Anyway I digressed into this long discussion of humans when really, ZOMBIE BABIES. Why did I start yammering on again? Oh, right, I remembered! Umm, I think this scene allows Buffy to see that Faith cares about her, but also to see Faith's struggle. Nothing is easy for Faith, but she does what needs to be done. That's admirable, and Buffy's getting to see that side of her. She also does it with care and compassion, and that's a new realization for Buffy too. Sometimes it was hard to get Buffy's feelings across, because I'm writing through the lens of Faith's POV, so I am really glad you read into it and got Buffy's side of things too.

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 11:36 AM · For: Chapter 7: Genesis

Okay, now that I've finished dry-heaving....

Sorry. The eye-gouging and cat intestines have kind of ruined my lunch. My fault for eating during zombie-fic. 

Things I love: The explanation of the origin of this zombie outbreak. You hit every nail on every head with regard to the Initiative and Maggie Walsh's zealousness. They know the basic biological and chemical construct of these demons they're "neutralizing" and "studying" but they don't know the first thing about them because they're lacking historical context and origin. The Poj'daiya might be a passive clan of demons but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous, especially in the wrong hands. 

As awful as it was to get through, I also love how you took the time to show the spread of the infestation through the UC Sunnydale campus and through town, hitting on each of the characters we're familiar with. It's always a hard choice to kill one of the main characters, but sometimes it's necessary to show the severity of the situation. The implied deaths of Riley and Joyce were hard to take (I am in the minority in the Buffy fandom in that I don't hate Riley), but the explicit and sudden death of Willow was one that we're going to feel for the rest of this story. 

The line that stuck out to me the most (which is saying something, because you write so well) was this one:"As the sun sets on the third day after the outbreak, only twenty-seven humans remain alive in Sunnydale." This one line could've been a story all on its own, it's that powerful. It emcompasses all of the severity of trauma in the story thus far, and shows with absolute clarity the bleakness of the situation for those twenty-seven people.  

Author's Response:

Def your fault. Why would you eat?? :)

I haaaaaate the Initiative, so I was only too happy to pin some major badness on them. They were way too big for their britches, Walsh especially. I loved writing her untimely demise. If you think about it, COW is actually a better organization than the US government, lol. At least they have appropriate fear of demons (in that they record knowledge about them and they don't endanger the general population by putting large labs fllled with them beneath college campuses). As for killing off the main characters, I actually feel pretty okay about it, even if readers hate it. :p As you might have guessed since I went on to kill tons more! >:D You know, I actually never decided whether Joyce was alive or dead. She's like Schrodinger's mom. Ultimately it felt unrealistic to find out the fate of all the characters, and this is the one that I thought would hit Buffy the hardest.

I liked that line too! I should probably think about the fact that I always like my most aggrandizing lines the best. :p

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/22/2014 11:13 AM · For: Chapter 6: Hell, Population: Three More People

Just in case you thought I'd stopped fic-stalking you, here I am again! I re-read "Chutes and Ladders" because it's always been one of my favorites and I needed more Alice-fic in my life after getting through the last update of "The Girl From Away." And when I finished that, I thought to myself, well, might as well read it all, and started re-reading "Omega Rising." 

And hot damn, am I glad I did, because there was a lot going on here that I had forgotten about! Your Faith-voice is hands down one of the best out there. I love that this story is first-person narrative so that we can really get into her mind. She's a Slayer, yes, but she's taken herself out of the fight for what she thinks is forever. A zombie apocalypse has got to be one of the harshest ways to force her back into the slaying gig, and yet here we are. I love that you show that internal struggle. She's good at what she does, yes, but that doesn't mean any of this is easy for her. 

Now that I'm getting into the meat of the story, I'm realizing I may not have finished reading this when you were originally posting it. Shame on me! I must rectify this now. :)

Author's Response:

You are really confusing my muse, because now I want to be working on the next part of Omega. :) Damn it, Bobina! 

Thank you!  Even if you did give up half way through the first time! :p I am really proud of the Faith voice in this fic, so thank you! I haven't tried Buffy yet. She feels really daunting. I know how she talks, and how she feels/thinks, but her inner monologue seems out of reach for some reason. 

In terms of Faith's reluctance to slay, I really liked the scene in Sanctuary when she slayed a demon and then she just stood there looking at the blood on her hands, so I wanted to build on it. The zombies probably were the hardest way for her to get back in the game because they were people like two minutes ago. Also since Finch happened while slaying, it's hard for her to trust her instincts as a slayer anymore. Slaying isn't the same as murder but for Faith, she has to re-learn where the difference is. I think it was lucky for her that she met Kim, because focusing on one person she needed to protect helped her keep it together. She needed that reminder that her actions are good. And I needed some dialogue in my chapters. It's good for everyone! 

Name: BiantheWorm (Anonymous) · Date: 01/19/2014 09:55 AM · For: Chapter 14: Bedside Manner

So awesome. Fucking awesome.

Author's Response:

Haha, no pun intended? :D

Name: Roaming for FuffyFic (Anonymous) · Date: 11/08/2013 07:09 PM · For: Chapter 1: The Outbreak

I can't stand zombies, they frighten me, but for some reason when I clocked this was heavily represented by the Omega I couldn't stop reading.

so many good points, highs and lows.... You killed off the Scoobies, you fiend!! Would be great to see the sequel at some point.

Thanks for sharing this story.

Author's Response:

Thank you. :) Sequel is still planned for somewhere down the line. I have at least one more story to finish first, in addition to Girl. Maybe after that one it'll be the right time to get back into Omega. :D

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 11:06 AM · For: Chapter 16: Chicago

I loved it! I'm not a zombie fan - as i may have said a couple of hundred times already (!) but this is much more than just a zombie fic.

You write Faith's character POV so brilliantly, it's so engorssing... I also aint a huge fan of POV fics but I'm slowly changing my opinion on that front!

This should be a movie! If world war Z(zzzzzz!!!) got made then Omega has to be made, if only to erase that dreadful film from my mind!!

Anyway... sooooo....... can i get a clue on where the deleted scene is? :))))))))

Author's Response:

I'm very glad you enjoyed it in spite of your reservations! :D Thank you for giving it a shot. I do still hope to do the sequel, so I hope you'll come back.


Actually, I liked WWZ! Lol. I hated the book, but the movie was suspenseful, so I liked that. I know you found the egg now. :p

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 10:40 AM · For: Chapter 15: Losses and Gains

No more frying pans? *weep*

I'm all sad now! I handled the loss of Giles, Xander and even Willow earlier on but this is too deep! Why did you have to make her character so bloody likeable?!!! *sob*

Author's Response:

Because I am evil and I wanted to hurt you!! Well, not just you, but everyone. I wanted to hurt everyone. I am a mean lady.

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 09:55 AM · For: Chapter 14: Bedside Manner

It suddenly got hot in here!! Phew!! 

Author's Response:


Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 09:33 AM · For: Chapter 13: Splinters

I hope it is 'just a little search and rescue"!!

Loving the way buffy and faith's relationship is growing... Bit sad for Kim as she obviously likes/perhaps loves Faith but Faith is a one woman-woman now. Besides, Buffy and Faith - much better combo!

Right, less typing and more reading...!

Author's Response:

I think Kim almost always knew the writing on the wall in regard to her and Faith, so don't feel so bad about that.

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 09:05 AM · For: Chapter 12: Blurry Visions

Eeeek! Gotta push on to the next chapter; make sure Faith is okay!

Author's Response:

How many times did Faith almost die in this story? It was ridiculous.

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 07:58 AM · For: Chapter 11: Rites

As long as nothing happens to B or F, it's all good!! It is sad to lose G and X but the show must go on!

YEY, Kim is back!I LOVE that Buffy is getting a lil jealous over Kim! hehe!!! 

Author's Response:

You know, everyone saw jealousy in that scene, but I totally didn't intend it that way. :) Weird.

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 07:16 AM · For: Chapter 10: Collateral Damage


(i love the banter between Buffy and Faith when they are trying to get Angel back to 'base')

Author's Response:

Lol, no care about Xander huh?

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/03/2013 05:55 AM · For: Chapter 9: Faith's Choice

Oh nooo!!! 

Not a massive fan of Angel... but they need him!!! 

I'd like to think Joyce is alive somewhere but it's not looking good is it? :(

Author's Response:

It doesn't look good, no. :( Not a fan of Angel?? Why not? Have you ever seen PUPPET ANGEL though?? Have you??

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/02/2013 11:02 AM · For: Chapter 8: Ground Zero

"The entire bloody world turns to shit and somehow this great poof is still alive?" HAHAHAHA!!! 


Will continue the story shortly - need to drive home now!

Author's Response:

Spike's always good for a laugh. :p

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/02/2013 10:39 AM · For: Chapter 7: Genesis

Right i'm rushing over to the next chapter now!!!

Author's Response:


Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/02/2013 10:14 AM · For: Chapter 6: Hell, Population: Three More People

Poor Starla... but I guess it had to be done :(

And yey! Buffy is here!

Author's Response:

Yes. :( Although at least she got some comfort from Faith before she went.

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/02/2013 09:54 AM · For: Chapter 5: The Prophecy

Although I really like the relationship between Faith and Kim, the bit where Faith thought she saw Buffy was heart wrenching in a way, and I really can't wait to see how their impending reunion pans out... I guess there's only one way to find out!

Author's Response:

Yes indeed. :D

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/02/2013 08:31 AM · For: Chapter 4: The Protectors

Haha! Them singing in the car was hillarious and so believable! I could picture it as I was reading!

Glad Buffy will be making an appearance soon :)

Author's Response:

Thank you!! :D

Name: Wixy (Signed) · Date: 09/01/2013 04:28 PM · For: Chapter 3: Survivors

Yes faith you can do this!

i always thought reading horror wouldn't be the same as watching it... Boy was I wrong! 

Author's Response:

Haha, you don't watch horror either? Are you a scaredy cat, Wix?

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