The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

The Chosen Two Archives


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Members: 1537
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: KillerKitty


Name: WhatoftheUnchosen (Signed) · Date: 07/16/2017 07:34 PM · For: Chapter 1

Maybe the best story I've read yet. Excellently done

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 02:21 AM · For: Chapter 29

yayyyyyyyyyyy kisssssssssssssss

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 01:48 AM · For: Chapter 26

nooooo faith dont cryyyy


buffy what are you thinkiiiing????

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 01:21 AM · For: Chapter 23

oh faith hasalready developed feelings!!!

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 01:10 AM · For: Chapter 21

but they justmade up :(

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 12:56 AM · For: Chapter 19

whaaat why doesnt buffy trust faith???

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 12:42 AM · For: Chapter 17

yayyy buffy graduated!!! oooh nooooo a new evill

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/04/2017 12:32 AM · For: Chapter 16

yayyy faith gets her power back

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/2017 11:35 PM · For: Chapter 11

what did that shard do to faith??

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/2017 11:14 PM · For: Chapter 9

awww faith calling buffy just to apologize and clear the air

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/2017 11:07 PM · For: Chapter 8

omg faith y u no help buffy???

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/2017 10:57 PM · For: Chapter 7

awww buffy reached faith :3

Name: nom (Anonymous) · Date: 02/03/2017 10:13 PM · For: Chapter 3

noooo faithm help buffy!!

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 07/29/2016 01:30 AM · For: Chapter 37: Epilogue

Wow.  Truly wow.


one of the best buffy / faith stories I've ever read. I found myself skipping paragraphs because I was so tense about what would happen, then forcing myself to go back and not miss a word.


i would have loved a few more chapters with happy and carefree buffy / faith dating and smoochies, so I'm left here all dangling, but wow, was that an epic ride.


amazing storytelling. 


Thank you you for the massive effort in writing this.

Name: Kai (Anonymous) · Date: 10/19/2013 11:43 AM · For: Chapter 1


Author's Response:


Name: A (Anonymous) · Date: 09/26/2013 03:30 AM · For: Chapter 29

OMG.  This is SO ridiculously good.  I'm seriously hooked.  It took a long time to get here for some fuffy but it was SO worth it.

Author's Response:

Haha, thanks. :) Bet you were starting to think it was never going to happen. :p

Name: Bruteaous (Signed) · Date: 08/31/2013 03:44 PM · For: Chapter 9
Cute. Good to know Faith's still batting for the good. Had my doubts last chapter until I realized what she was doing. She makes a pretty good double agent. Can't wait to see where the relationship is going. Good work. :)

Author's Response:

It's been so long since I first wrote this that I have no idea what was cute in the chapter. I'll assume it wasn't them punching each other in the face. But if it was, then, err, reast assured that I don't judge. :p

Name: Bruteaous (Signed) · Date: 08/31/2013 02:08 PM · For: Chapter 4
Liked how Faith saved Buffy at the last minute and Buffy returned the favor with the police officer. Good work. :)

Author's Response:

Thanks :)

Name: Bruteaous (Signed) · Date: 08/31/2013 01:36 PM · For: Chapter 2
Gotta love Wesley. He is both an antagonist at times and then at others he is completely unaware of the affect he is having and how it makes Giles hate him. It was funny when Buffy beat up the newbie vampire all the while venting her frustration over Faith on him. Good work. :)

Author's Response:

Yes, yes you do have to love Wesley. In fact, there should be some kind of law about it. :D

It saddens me when people badmouth him. I just like to pretend they've never watched Angel and so don't realize how amazing he truly is.

Name: Bruteaous (Signed) · Date: 08/31/2013 11:45 AM · For: Chapter 1
Like this story. Most season 3 rewrites I have read tend to either make Faith not evil or start at the beginning of the season before she went evil, but you are beginning in media res and I think you're doing it super well so far. Bravo. :)

Author's Response:

Thanks. :)

I didn't want to just ignore all the stuff she did in season 3 because that's what makes her character so interesting to me - and there's still plenty of wiggle room at that point in the season that nothing feels locked down. She's started her spiral, she's screwed stuff up, and there's enough there that she can still feel like Faith from the show, but at the same time she's not so far gone that everything is necessarily going straight to hell. At least that was my thought process. :p

Name: SixPerfections (Anonymous) · Date: 08/19/2013 07:26 PM · For: Chapter 17

I already read and reviewed this story over on and I gotta tell you its for sure in my top 3 favorite Buffy fics of all time. It is brilliantly done and I enjoyed every chapter of it. 

That being said, when are you starting a new fic?!? You are too good a writer to quit after just one! Even if you only update it once or twice a month your are too good a writer to just not write anymore. What's up with that?! 

Anyway this story is amazing.. if you make a sequel or a new one it doesn't matter, as long as you do something sometime! Love it, love you (in a platonic writer sort of way), and hope to see more work from you soon! 


Author's Response:


Thanks :)

Pfft. How about once or twice a year? :p I am writing something... just kinda slowly at the moment. It will happen eventually though. Unless I get hit by a meteor with a gooey alien centre (Or, err, a bus), but in that case I think I should be allowed a little slack.

Name: Bobbi (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2013 04:16 PM · For: Chapter 12

The idea of The Shards is so freaking fantastic! Those things do not need to be charged up on Slayer juice again.

I hate that Faith's lost her Slayer mojo, but I had to laugh at Cordy's Wesley love. That just never gets old, even when it's happening at the very worst time. LOL

"His valiant position of cowering behind Willow pretty much kept him safe from any chance of actual danger." HAHAHA!!!

Great how Buffy went after Faith:

"I know this is horrible," Buffy said. "But you don't have to go through it alone." I love her and how much she truly cares about Faith.

This was just flat-out, rip your guts out and stomp on them, heartbreaking:

"This is all I've ever had. It's all I am." WAAAHHH!!!

Toss in her bottom lip's trembling, despite the fact that she's sucking it in...WAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Fucking Council! Worst timing ever and I HATE them so much!!!

Buffy is so freaking bad ass, it's all kinds of awesome! And it's awesomer in a whole other way when she begs them: "Please don't do this." She knows how serious it is, that Faith will be lost forever, and she pleads with the most coldhearted asshole in the world to save Faith.

Hi. My name is Bobbi and I am a Buffy lover :) :) :)

Whoa, I'm thinking Wesley's lucky to have a working spine, even if he is innocent this time around. Giles can't even calm her down and I love what she says to him:

"No Giles, you have no idea. The Council think they can just play with other people's lives and get away with it. Well we're not your puppets, or your weapons. We're not here to live and die at your beck and call. So I will do whatever I have to do, and if you have a problem with that, then I strongly suggest you wait in the car."

The Slayer is a tad upset. Uh-oh.

Another marvelous chapter. I am really loving this fic :) :) :)

Author's Response:


You know, I'm starting to get this sneaking suspicion that you might be a closet Buffy fan. :O Though I'll hand it to you, you hide it well. ;)

As the ancient proverb reads: A Buffy angered is a Buffy who is going to eat you alive.

I'm glad you're still enjoying it, and thanks again. :D

Name: Bobbi (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2013 03:56 PM · For: Chapter 11

You start right off with the cool visual of The Slayer and her Scoobies marching down the street like "a small army". Buffy's thoughts of Faith as an ace or a joker were clever too.

"But he is a politician," Oz pointed out." HAHAHA!!!

Really liked their plan and Buffy doing the hero thing and heading in alone. She's such a badass here, although you ramp that up soon enough.

Hear that? That's the sound of me clapping because you've written the Mayor so damn perfectly. Every word out of his mouth rings true and it made me remember why I loved him so much as a Big Bad.

"Oh no, surely not. Not my Faith." Aww...I kind of have to feel for the bastard. He sure knows what buttons to push when it comes to "his" Slayer and I feel just awful for Faith. Geez, she's even tearing up! WAAHH!!!

Then he hits her with the Shard...Did I already call him a "bastard"?

It was awesome how Buffy reacted, kicking him away from Faith. I'm not exactly sure why, but I loved the image of the Mayor staggering back and fighting to stay on his feet. Maybe because he's always so tidy and in control(for the most part). Anyway, I loved it :)

It was also cool when Buffy rolled out of harm's way with Faith...and why does that sound kind of sexual now? LOL

It made me laugh that the mayor was so tickled by what the Shard could do. He sure is the villain I love to hate...or hate to love. We defintely have a love/hate relationship.

Faith countermanding Buffy's orders to Angel:

"Hey! Try and carry me out of here and I'll stake you myself. HAHAHA!!! And he looks to Buffy in the middle of the big fight because he doesn't have a clue what to do now. Faith is awesome, Slayer powers or not :) :) :)




Author's Response:

The Mayor was awesome. No other show has villains as interesting as the ones in Buffy and Angel. I kind of wish I hadn't stuck with Buffy PoV for a lot of this, and then I could have written in some scenes between Faith and the Mayor when Faith was still AWOL.

lol. That was probably the most asexual rolling ever (If there's even a scale for such a thing). Jeez, some people. :p

And yes, Faith is also awesome. More so, really. :D

Name: Bobbi (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2013 03:19 PM · For: Chapter 10

Okay, I just about busted a gut when Buffy was trying to get a message to the Mayor!!! HAHAHA!!! forever. I just found it so funny that the vamp kept fighting and Buffy kept trying not to kill him. LOL for real! I think it's right up there with the funniest Fuffy scenes I've read.

I loved Faith's reaction to Buffy's big plan to take on the Mayor:

"What, Red? The boss has been at this for a hundred years and your grand plan is the pencil floater? I'm sure he's already running for the hills."

I like Buffy's confidence in Willow and her Scooby gang. Her loyalty and faith(!) make me love her.

Again I have to say how great it is that things aren't settled or even remotely easy for Fuffy. You've written it so well, it's incredibly easy to feel like just one wrong or misunderstood word could blow the whole deal. There's no way to read their exchange without being on pins and needles.

Xander and his kneeling for Synder! HAHAHA!!! Uh...yeah, let's just leave that one alone.

The whole Scooby Gang meeting is hysterical with several funny lines. My fave has to be the "reserve/reverse" misread by Giles. I'm suspecting a real life typo for you someplace that you turned into a joke ;) Don't bothering denying it.

Wesley's bringing the funnies too, the whole deal is one laugh after the other and very much like watching an episode.

"Oh Oh!" Willow interrupted. I think I've found something."

"Does it say reserve?" Buffy keeps right on zinging Giles. LOL!

Wesley's rallying of the troops is hysterical, especially the said troops reaction to his ridiculous rallying.

Another fantastic chapter packed with emotion, tension, and humor. Maybe you even included the kitchen sink :) :) :)

Author's Response:

Pfft. Baseless accusations. I don't make typos. My fingers are physically unable to. Antidisestablishmentarianism. See? *totally didn't copy and paste that* 0:)

I think all of the Scoobies' plans are awful in this. They basically seem to boil down to "Well let's just waltz on in and hope for the best." That may be a slight flaw with my writing. :p

The kitchen sink actually comes later. It gets possessed and everything. It's not pretty.*


*Chapter subject to change.

Name: Bobbi (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2013 03:01 PM · For: Chapter 9

Another great chapter!

Giles' rescue and Buffy's wisecrack: "Hold that thought." were great. I loved the "fake" fight and Faith's explanation about the vamp in the car and her reason for wanting to stay in it by being undercover:

"Look, I'm not going to hide away in my room while you clean up my mess."  Maybe it's just me, but I found that to be a total "cheering" moment! :) :) :)

"It hurt, enough to make her wince, but not as much as it should have." Really nice way to let us know that Faith is pulling her punches a bit. It's a great fake fight.

The spider in Buffy's kitchen was icky, creepy, and funny. I don't blame Willow one bit for freaking out. It made me laugh that Buffy was worried that Joyce would be mad about the knife damage to the wall. It's always so fun to see Buffy switch between being The Slayer and just a teenage girl. HAHA!!!

"The box isn't that big," Buffy reasoned. How many more can there possibly be?" Uh...Um...HAHAHA!!!

The alleyway cloak and dagger meeting was neat and I really like that it's not all smooth sailing for Fuffy. They're trying and aware of each other's reactions and feelings, especially Buffy, but it's still a tough sitch. The way you've written it seems very real to me.

"Hey, B...Back there, I would have stepped in if -- I wouldn't have just stood there, you know?"

"I know."

That's a great exchange and it's awesome that Faith admitted it and Buffy knew it to be true. Their banter throughout the rest of the scene is fun and Faith's:

"So basically, cool new pet?" HAHAHA!!!! That's so her and so funny!

Great chapter!

Author's Response:


It's not just you; Buffy was cheering as well. You know, beneath the wide-eyed I'm-going-to-murder-you deathglare.

Nobody (human) likes spiders. Especially gigantic, murderous ones from hell (That last part may be redundant). Willow knows her stuff. And Faith is just a freak (But an awesome freak). :)

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