The Chosen Two Archive
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The Chosen Two Archives


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Members: 1542
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: Anaxilea


Reviews For The Rite

Name: bebs (Signed) · Date: 02/06/2022 07:59 AM · For: Chapter 4

Clearly the "Shower, change, drive you to yours, change then dinner" strategy did not pay off - they were busted instantly, but hey who cares? :p

Well done SixteenThirty, thanks for this story ;)

Author's Response:

Thank you for taking the time to read it, Bebs! 

Name: bebs (Signed) · Date: 02/06/2022 07:49 AM · For: Chapter 3

I can confirm that Sam is my favorite character in this story - she's a great teaser !!! XD

And, so cute the wine rack story that everyone bought into except, well, Buffy ;)

Author's Response:

All those small things that just make life wonderful. Joys of messing with your mates and being special to the ones you love. 

Name: bebs (Signed) · Date: 02/06/2022 07:29 AM · For: Chapter 2

So that kiss was actually an innocent thing at the beginning... which prevented Buffy from marrying that guy: not a bad outcome!

Ahah Willow bursting out "Just a little. Are you gonna spank me?" - was she drunk or something? 

You really have a thing with Quantum Leap, don't you? *wondering*

Author's Response:

I love that show

Name: bebs (Signed) · Date: 02/05/2022 11:18 AM · For: Chapter 1

It is a positive surprise that Faith has found her way back to school - she's bright and she totally deserved it! - and is now being credited with no less than a PhD and a master in two disciplines!

And whoa she is kind of having a heart-to-heart discussion with Xander!! Things have certainly moved in a good direction, I'm glad she's part of the family now!

And whoa again - she has friends of her own!!! I think I really like Sam as a matter of fact, daring and bright --> "I also love to screw with her head" XDXD

So Buffy... she's got a boyfriend but she can't help being jealous apparently :D Was that kiss really to create an awkward moment for Faith or was there more?? *thinking more*


Author's Response:

Oh wow, sounds like you're running the gauntlet of stories. I hope you have fun! 

Acceptance is all Faith wanted. For being her true self and having to conform. I enjoyed seeing what life would be like if she was given a chance to learn and grow from her past. 

I've always wanted Faith to have friends of her own. People who are as cool as she's is. Sam is definitely the wiseass side of Faith. Messing with Buffy is perfect and in this version of events Faith's buds have got her back. They can see that situation and help Faith deal in their unique ways.

Jealous Buffy makes me giggle.

Can't wait to read your reviews! 

Author's Response:

Oh wow, sounds like you're running the gauntlet of stories. I hope you have fun! 

Acceptance is all Faith wanted. For being her true self and having to conform. I enjoyed seeing what life would be like if she was given a chance to learn and grow from her past. 

I've always wanted Faith to have friends of her own. People who are as cool as she's is. Sam is definitely the wiseass side of Faith. Messing with Buffy is perfect and in this version of events Faith's buds have got her back. They can see that situation and help Faith deal in their unique ways.

Jealous Buffy makes me giggle.

Can't wait to read your reviews! 

Name: shanesthebest (Anonymous) · Date: 09/16/2014 12:11 AM · For: Chapter 4

kickass awesome story

Author's Response:

Thank you!! So sorry I hadn't seen this review until now.

I hope you like Find Me First... I guess we could say it makes up for responding to this review late. Close your eyes and imagine a bow on it. FOR YOU. TAA-DAA  ;)

Name: Electra (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2014 12:44 PM · For: Chapter 4

It's always nice, I think, when writers give Faith her own set of friends.  Then it's not just her being lumped in with the Scoobies (I think she'd have 'cooler' friends anyway!  And making Samantha flirty with Faith and giving them a past sexual history is just the perfect impetus to make Buffy all grr and claimy, which is also of the good.  :D

And a funny ending, too.  Poor Xander, getting his thunder stolen like that!

Author's Response: I completely agree with you, Electra!! Hands down, Faith would have cooler friends. It's just how she rolls. She's such a big and complex character there's no doubt she would have interesting people around her. It was fun to give her friends, especially 'history' with said friends. Everyone love a territorial Buffy :) Really wanted to capture her 'I don't care, but it's driving me crazy' vibe. Xander is Comedy Central. Thanks for taking the time to read and review!!

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 08/08/2014 08:46 PM · For: Chapter 4

This was interesting. I don't think I've ever read a story that had Faith into academics or at least to the point she'd go for multiple degrees. I like how you made that work.

I love that Buffy was so helpful throughout and it felt like all that time together is how she was able to realize her true feelings. Also love that Xander knew about that first kiss from the start! So great!

Author's Response:

Thanks, Hayley!! Yeah, I thought putting Faith's past into a positive, advantageous place would be good to explore. She's a criminally insane reformist :) I really had fun getting the subtleties of Buffy's helping and development of feelings out there. Plus, we all have a little fun with Xander being the long suffering all seeing eye ;)

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 08/07/2014 08:09 AM · For: Chapter 4
luved the ending! you nailed harris perfectly! over all great fic. hope to read more of your stuff here.

Author's Response:

I'm happy you enjoyed the story. It makes me feel like I haven't completely forgotten how to write what's in my head... for another person to understand my crazy :)

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 08/06/2014 01:33 PM · For: Chapter 2
well that was close,buffy should have seen that coming with greyson. kind of mean to tease faith with the he hit me line. over qall really did like this chapter and the wristband thing is kind of cool. and i too am enjoying myself!

Author's Response:

Glad to hear you're still on board with this fic. A few plot highlights in this chapter, but overall it's a feel good one.

Name: JellyLikeKelly (Signed) · Date: 08/05/2014 03:51 PM · For: Chapter 4

I have fallen head over heels for this story. Start to finish. I love your Buffy and your Faith. And the direction you took the challenge in was flawless. Write more stuff forever.

Author's Response:

Thanks. Your wish is my command, JellyLikeKelly. I'm in the process of editing a few old fuffy fics to post on C2. So watch this space!!

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 08/05/2014 01:44 PM · For: Chapter 1
this is cute , love that buffy is jealous, and that faith doesn't really have a clue. think wills got the order right ! and who let andy out of the kitchen?

Author's Response:

Always gotta love a jealous Buffy!! Thanks for popping my review cherry, Madison4865!! 

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