The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

The Chosen Two Archives


Relationship [281]
Season [234]

Archive Links:


Site Info

Members: 1614
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2583
Reviewers: 158
Newest Member: macknorth




What kinds of stories can I find in the archive?

We are primarily a Buffy/Faith archive, and Fuffy stories are our bread and butter. Some of our authors also like slashing the slayers with other characters from the show. We welcome any F/F pairing utilizing the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel the series.

How do I submit stories?

Login or Register for an account. From Your Account page, you can view, add, and manage your stories, personal information, favorites, and reviews.

Before submitting your fic, please be sure to read our Submission Guidelines.

What are the ratings used on the site?

We use a very simple ratings system here. Stories can be rated as acceptable for all ages (Everyone), appropriate for teens age 13-17 (Teen), or only suitable for adults (Mature). Both BtVS and AtS were appropriate for a teen-adult audience, and we expect that most stories here would fall into either the Teen or Mature categories. These are a few examples of what is appropriate for each category:

Please use your best judgement in rating your stories, and err on the side of caution when you are unsure.

How do I add a banner to my story?

Please check our Submission Guidelines for instructions.

The character I need isn't listed.

Please contact us, and we can add any characters that have been inadvertently missed.

When I try to use the forum, it's not recognizing me as a member! Help!

The forum registration is separate from the fiction site. It's a bit annoying, but you do need to sign up for that separately. You can choose the same log in information, and you have the option to stay logged in, so that should cut down on the work involved.

When I try to add an author/story to my favorites, a comment box appears. What's going on?

The comment box is for you to add anything you'd like, for instance, if you'd like to add what you liked about that particular story. You would then see that comment when you view your favorites. You do not have to use the box. You can leave it blank, and just hit submit again. To ensure the story or author was saved to your favorites, you can view your favorites on Your Account page. Please see video example below:

Favorites Help

Download video: MP4 format | Ogg format | WebM format

Is there a way to set my age verification so I don't have to keep agreeing to view Mature fics?

Yes! Go to Your Account page, and click 'edit preferences.' The preferences page lets you set the age verification, so that when you're logged on, you won't be asked to verify it before viewing a Mature fic.

I forgot my password!  What do I do now?

To recover a lost password, click here and enter the e-mail address you used for registration.  Your password will be sent to you shortly.

Where do I go for questions or help?

Please use our contact form, and we will respond to you as soon as possible. You can also check out the Support threads in the forum.