The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

The Chosen Two Archives


Relationship [281]
Season [234]

Archive Links:


Site Info

Members: 1614
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2583
Reviewers: 158
Newest Member: macknorth


Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines:

  1. Please only post stories! Lists, discussion, character analyses, etc belong in the forum, not the fanfiction section.
  2. Please do not post a story that does not belong to you. If you’d like to see a story from another author, please consider asking them to post it here on their own. We take plagiarism very seriously, and people who violate this rule may be banned or blocked from the site.
  3. Correct grammar and spelling are expected of all stories submitted to this site. Beta readers are a great resource to help you with this. If you are in need of a beta, or interested in helping others out, please visit the Beta Reader thread on our forum.
  4. Your story must be rated correctly, and must include all applicable warnings.
  5. There are certain scenes/topics that should never be included in your story. These are:
    • Graphic/explicit depictions of rape or sexual assault;
    • Graphic/explicit depictions of sexual activity in which one or more participants is under the age of 16.
  6. Titles, banners, and summaries must be suitable for all ages.  No exceptions. Help us protect our butts from liability.
  7. Please do not create chapters solely for authors notes or author updates.
  8. "Please read", "Untitled", etc. are not acceptable titles or summaries.
  9. All stories should have a summary. It's okay to be vague and save a little mystery for the story; however, please ensure your summary is actually saying something about the story. Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation should be used, and personal asides should be saved for the author’s notes.
  10. Stories about real people (real person fic, or RPF) are not permitted.

All stories are approved at the discretion of the moderators. If your submission does not follow the above guidelines, or we cannot approve it for any reason, we will inform you via email. The email will typically come from, so please check your spam folders and set this email as an approved sender. If we cannot approve your story, it will not be stored at the archive, but removed. Please always have a back-up of your work.  For any approved author found to be ignoring the guidelines, your account may be suspended or removed. The site administrators reserve the right to modify these rules as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I become an author here?
    • To become an author, simply head to the Add Story page, and submit your first chapter. We require that fic by new authors is validated prior to appearing on the site. That means one of our moderators will read your story, and either post it to the site, or contact you if we cannot approve it. Examples of reasons your story may not be approved are: poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and/or content violating our submission guidelines.
  2. How do I include a banner with my story?
    • Visit Your Account page, and choose Manage Images. Upload your banner here. Please note: banners can be up to 150 x 750 pixels in size.
    • On the Add Story page, paste the following text in to your Title section, replacing the underlined section with the code you see on the Manage Upload page:
      • <center><img src="yourbanner.jpg"></center><P>
    • After the code, write your title as normal.
    • You should see your banner centered above your title when you post.
  3. How do I add new chapters to my fic? 
    • In the Manage Stories section of Your Account, you will see each posted story listed, with the option to Edit, Delete, or Add New Chapter. You will also see the option to mark your story as complete.
  4. What about co-authors?
    • As you're adding a new story, you will see the option to add a co-author. Using the co-author search box, type in the first few letters of the person's penname. A list will populate, and you can click on the person's name to select them as a co-author. You should now see their name appear in the co-authors field below. Please note that only the author who created the story will be able to respond to reviews.
  5. Does the site support round robins?
    • Yes, we do! As you're adding a new story, you can select the round robin option. Once the story is posted, you'll see it has a little robin icon. To add a chapter to a story created by another author, look for the Contribute to Round Robin link on the table of contents, and on each chapter. Please note that only the author who created the story will be able to respond to reviews.
  6. What do I do if I am being flamed and/or harassed in reviews? 
    • Please report any objectionable behavior to us. You have the option of reporting a review from the reviews page. One of our moderators will contact you right away and/or remove the offensive review.
  7. My question wasn’t answered. Where can I get help?


The Buffyverse Wiki can help you with all those hard to remember details from canon.

Common vocab differences between British English and American English: for our British authors.

Ref Desk has a lot of useful links, including common clichés, grammar help, and writing guides.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab has a lot of great grammar information.

IE9 Users: Have you considered switching to Firefox? :) Okay, but seriously, we have seen issues with the text editor (tinyMCE) not working with IE9. If you are having difficulty using the add story form, try turning off the editor. Go to edit your preferences, and uncheck the 'Use tinyMCE WYSWYG editor' option. This should turn off the text editor across the site (you can also do it individually, field by field).

Google Chrome Users: Some users have reported not being able to use the right click > paste option when accessing the site in Chrome. Please use control + V to paste if you experience this (for Mac it's Command + V).

Please check the Advanced Submission Help page for more tips.