HI didn't want to read this because I knew it was going to be totally effing amazing but there are o lyn2 chapters and you're probably never going to update in my lifetime for me to read the end of this wonderful story. I wish you would come back and write for faith and buffy again. There are such few GOOD authors that really understand the characters and their motivations and are just great storytellers and writers to boot. You are one of these rare few. I hope you come back someday to give this a proper continuation and ending. It's honestly amazing, and it's only 2 chapters. I love all your stories. Please come back. I'll review all your chapters so you know you have at least one faithful follower!!!
thank you for your time
really like this fic. like that the characters sound like canon. be interesting to see where you take us. buffy faith and angel will have to work together against demons and slayers!
Very excited to see you writing again. This was a nice chapter. You have a way with humor, and even the emotional and angsty reunion of the three had it's share of smile worthy moments... the line about Hulk Hogan wearing a mask was so random lol.
And your characterizations always seem to be spot on, this time its no different. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Wonder if you have any notion of how long this one will be?
I know you said irregular updates so I wont hold my breath, will just enjoy the ride :)
Grateful for writing
Author's Response:Thank you.
Angel's mask just reminded me more of the wrestlers from season 5 than of some supervillain outfit, so I figured snarky-Buffy wouldn't let that slide. That was pretty much the only logic behind it. :p
I don't think it'll be too long. Around 12 chapters maybe.
know nothing of the comics except for what is put in stories. excellent start!
Author's Response:You won't need to know too much about them. Besides, I've read season 8 and I still have no idea what was going on in it. :p