Find Me First
darn michelle
Author's Response:Getting spicy, eh? The best is yet to come. Thanks for taking the time to read and leave reviews for this one.
ooooohhh whats up w/ faith :0
Author's Response:dun dun dahhhhhh.
Author's Response:I know, right?
awww baby faith and buffy in the junior slayers lol
Author's Response:I loved writing these charaters.
Author's Response:Thank you for reading :)
Wow!! That was fantastic!!! The humor was great, the internal dialogue was fantastic, the plot was plotty, and the characters were very well written and true to form. A big THANK YOU for sharing!!!!! and now for the happy dance;)
Author's Response:Happy dance :) Sorry, you looked like you were having fun so I joined in the merriment. A big thank you for reading. The sequel is up too now. Enjoy.
Awesome ending. Chapter 12 is my second favorite chapter, coming in just behind your superlative Chapter 3. Beautiful interaction, lots of subtleties and amazing personalities.
Chapter 11 was kind of rushed, but I've already commented on the style change before, so I'll leave it at that. Chapter 12 was a wonderful return to form, and ends the story on a strong note.
Aside from the plot taking a supernatural twist and Willow's interference - which I still fully believe wasn't required for the story to work - the story as a whole was good, and had at least two points of 'amazing.'
I certainly hope that you'll soon have another piece for us, because I'm certainly looking forward to more!
Author's Response:To my favourite critic, I miss you most of all. Thank you so much for all your reviews, I've been going through some of my old stories and fluffing them up a bit to post. I want to write something completely new, but not had the time. Fingers crossed i'll get around to updating soon. I have a sequel to Find Me First, will post it soon.
GREAT ENDING. So worth the wait. Thanks for sharing
Author's Response:Hey Amber, thanks. Sorry for the delayed response. There's a sequel kicking around to this. It should be available soon.
Awww i love the wrap up. Can't wait for another story :)
Author's Response:Thanks Badwoff. I had a sequel to this story, for some reason I just had to keep writing for the characters. Keep and eye out for it.
Ugh, so good. I can't even describe how into this story I am (even if I hate Michelle Rodriguez because she's such a hot drunk mess). Great last chapter, seriously. THank you for sharing.
Author's Response:Hi Amber, I have one more to bring this story to a close. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Ahhhhh cliff hangers! But as always i love it!
Author's Response:Thank you. This story is almost done, so stay tuned to see how it all ends.
'Oscar Whiskey' indeed. lol
Interesting chapter.
I feel that by spanning time, you've removed the threat of the Abyss to something trivial. I mean the Slayers are at war, and have little to no casualties after a month of constant battle? I sense a flaw in your pacing.
Buffy and Faith are heated up, which is a good thing. However you're now writing them like they've never been aware of being attracted to each other. You've also chosen to gloss over some spectacular conversation pieces via Buffy's summary, rather than give us the full-blown fights and arguments.
Then there's the Willow thing. *cough*cop-out*cough* :) On a more serious note, magically inducing infidelity to their current significant others is neither a healthy nor moral choice. I'm surprised that Willow doesn't take more heat from the both of them.
Did something happen to change your writing style? This chapter seems markedly different from the others. The writing's still good, but the characters have veered off a little, and it generated more than a little confusion for me.
The rose at the end is cute. It also highlights my confusion. At this point, Buffy should not have to wonder who left the rose once Richard desqualified himself. It's blindingly obvious, which makes Buffy's bewilderment unbelievable.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Author's Response:I agree with you. I'm not sure what happened at the time of writting this chapter years ago, but it always seemed a bit off and I didn't know how to fix it. I was left with this after manny re-writes and ideas. It was the closest as to what I wanted to write.
In Willow's defence, it was supposed to be a spell that highlighted the positive warm and fluffy feelings the slayers had for one another. I don't think Willow would have expected them to do what they did... and she still doesn't know. Just that something out of the ordinary happened for Buffy and Faith want to confront her about something that was obvioulsy out of their control and would only have been made possible through the interferance of magic.
This story will be wrapping up soon so enjoy the last few chapters.
Thanks for the critique, always much appriciated.
This was excellent. Its really like watching the show in the plot-heavy chapters. You really write them well. Also the subtlety in Faith's protectiveness and the intensity of Buffy's in-chargeness was really well written too. There were a few scenes I went back and read because I liked them :) thank you, can't wait for the next installment!
Author's Response:That's awesome to hear, thank you so much. I'm such a mahuuuuusive fan of the show, characters and actors I really try my best to do it all justice. Hopefully you'll also like the next chapter too.
Yes!!! You did get down to Abyssness! Whoo Hoo!!! I love General Slayer Buffy, Ass Kicking Faith, The Dynamic Nerd Duo, and you nailed it with Whiney Kennedy. Seriously, Kennedy, stop whining. It's so unbecomming. And how about that hot archery lesson? Freaking awesome. mmmmmmm....hot archery.....mmmmm...happy face:) UPDATE!!!
Author's Response:As always Buffy and Faith make a great team. This chapter dispalyed all their great leadership qualities... plus, it was time to get some fight on :D Good archery lesson huh... Hopefully you'll enjoy the next installment of hotness.
Oooooh! Getting actiony and juicy! What a lovely way to end my Friday night :) You're awesome!
Author's Response:No, you're awesome. More juice on the way. Sorry this was a little delayed.
Excellent chapter! Strong actualization of a military scene, complete with radio chatter and adjustment to plans. Faith and Buffy make a great Captain and Master Chief, and personal issues existed only in thoughts, as is proper. Faith's protective streak with respect to Buffy rears it's head again, and fits the situation quite well.
Are you going to follow up with more plot, or are you going straight into action scene 2? Both could work for you.
Alright! Time to get back to my own writing!
Author's Response:I guess its a different kind of action that happens next :) Thank you for enjoying this chapter, I was great to write and I learned a little about tactics and radio chatter. ~Oscar Wiskey
Dun, dun, DUNNNNNN!!! Let's get down to Abyssness. Sorry. I couldn't resist. Once again, great chapter. I love the way this story has unfolded and evolved. And you're doing a fantastic job of balancing the drama and conveying the humor, in my opinion anyway. I do believe we have the same sense of humor, so that probably helps. Anywho, please update this wonderful fantasticness soon...please.
Author's Response:Abyssness.... YES!!
Lock and loaded. Ready to get down to Abyssness!!
YAY I loved this one :) This might be my favorite chapter so far. I also am a fan of more sane, thought-through Buffy, though we all know she has a tendency to act on the other side of that spectrum. I'm super crazy excited for the next chapter!!!
Author's Response:Sane, thought-through Buffy makes an appearance. Even sensitive, maternal Faith shows up :)
Hey, two chapters to review!
Interesting twist of story so far. You already know the spiel from me: Angst bad, writing good. Carry on!
I kind of miss the maturity present in the first four chapters. Chapter 7 seems to be schoolyard-like behavior from both Buffy and Faith, and Chapter 8 has the supernatural plot take the spotlight. We do have Faith going on the sexual offensive here, which is a welcome change in dynamic. It's high time at least one character fought for what they wanted.
Constructive criticism: I'm worried that you'll use the supernatural plot to facilitate solving the personal plot- i.e. Something supernaturally bad happens to Faith, and Buffy has to save her, which makes her realize all sorts of things so they patch up and live wickedly ever after. That Disney-esque idea would detract from the drama immensely.
Do you remember the movie 'Twister' about the tornado hunter, and how he and his ex-wife were forced to work together and in so doing rediscovered their love for each other? The fact that they survived being run over by an F5 tornado and stomped all over the other girlfriend's heart were bonuses, too. ;P
I'm hoping the story resolves similar to that. It would be (IMO) the most satisfying conclusion, and the more challenging plotline to write.
I look forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve! Time to get back to writing, myself!
Author's Response:Love it.
Yeah, they both need to grow up and take ownership of what's going on. No reward without a little inane pain. Faith will continue to show her dominant charateristics in the few chapters between 7 and 10.
Fear not, I won't put Faith in danger. She's a Slayer, they eat danger for breakfast.
I think there are Twister-esque themes at work here. You'll have to let me know at the end :)
Thanks for sticking with this.
Yep, the more I read this story, the more i like it. Spot on with the stubborn reactions of both Faith and Buffy. The humor is also freaking awesome. Please update soon. I need a fix.
Author's Response:I've mentioned I'm not sure how readers will receive my humor, as its difficult to translate something you personally find funny to other people. Also, I'm trying to be a better writer so the humor is evident and written well. Thank you for letting me know I made you laugh :D
Herpes omg. I couldn't stop laughing. Fantastic as usual :) things are getting heated and I'm eating it up. And the ending hall scene???? Ughhhh mooorrreeee :D
Author's Response:I wasn't sure if I could write humor that well. Y'know when you personally find things funny, but to try and convey that joke to other people... i'm never quite sure if it lands. Thank you for letting me know you found the funny in my funny.
The 'mooorrreeee' you wanted... is here.
Awwwww....i think you're pulling at my heart strings too much
Author's Response:There's a lot going on between those two that has to be explored. They are two very heartstringy pully storymakers.... there's more :D
Ohhh myyy god. This is so good. I CANNOT WAIT for an update. Thank you so much for sharing.
Author's Response:Hi Sarah, Thank you for reading, reviewing and enjoying :)
Looking great!! I like the subtext, its excellent :) I'm not liking Michelle. Or Richard for that matter. They're like... Hurdles. Hahaha, its really really great~
Author's Response:We really can admire the athleticism of the chosen two in the coming chapters.
Ps, your username is really fun to say out loud :D
Ahhhhhh killing me with the bad vibes they're having! It's definitely a great "sitting in the edge of my seat" chapter!
Author's Response:Get ready to bit those nails too, lol.