The Chosen Two Archive
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Members: 1605
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2559
Reviewers: 158
Newest Member: 08adabry


Reviews For

The Other Woman

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 03/08/2016 05:31 AM · For: Chapter 4
What did I like the most about this chapter? The way you described how it felt like to be a slayer, the parts where Buffy was describing the differences between her old self and her slayer self. I was actually starting to wonder if you were Buffy hahaha.

It's strange how the spell didn't manage to detect what was wrong with Faith, but I'm glad Buffy managed to verify that something was truly wrong. You can trust your intuition but some actions require more justified reasons.

Ok I'm off to the next chapter. Where did she get those undies again? Hahaha.

Author's Response:

I assure you that I'm not Buffy, even if we do talk alike. ;) I hope I explained why the spell didn't detect anything to your satisfaction in the chapter after this. The undies were from in the trunk! Lol!

Name: madison4865 (Anonymous) · Date: 03/06/2016 06:38 PM · For: Chapter 5
buffy's smarter then the average bear, um slayer. glad to get faiths perspective. wasn't really sure at first what was going on, so happy that buffys spell actually worked! faiths relationship with louie is to funny, and will probably be a real hoot when she gets her body back. her two angels remind me of two sisters that used to own a store by my house when I was a kid, way to funny! liking this story very much, and cannot wait to find out more about this spirit who high-jacked faiths body.

Author's Response:

Madison! Thank you! :D Sorry as always for being such fail on my updates. Chapter 7 finially up now.

Buffy is a pretty smart cookie I think. :) And when she's lack in smarts, she makes up for it with stubborness. :P I'm glad you like Louie! i have to remember to give him more "screen time."

Name: SixteenThirty (Signed) · Date: 03/05/2016 04:50 AM · For: Chapter 5

Hey, I knew it and I didn't know it!! Awesome update,  I can't wait until the next one. Hopefully Grace will get another showing, help save Faith and positively reinforce the potential she has in her own right as well as how being clairvoyant can help her in becoming a slayer. Interested to see how the bodysnatcher reacts to getting rumbled. I doubt she will give up Faith's body willingly...  Dun dun dahhhhhhhh!! Thank you for sharing. 

Author's Response:

Haha, still more to be revealed so you don't know what you know and you don't know what you don't know, you know? *nods very sagely* Grace will in fact be back! Spoiler alert. :D

I hope you're still hanging in there with me. Just (finally) published a new chapter.

Name: Lezzinbout (Anonymous) · Date: 03/03/2016 05:19 AM · For: Chapter 2

Ahh shit, ghosts?!? Hah and it seems like if buffy doesnt have vamps to exchange mildly bawdy banter with, than faith will do! 😝 

Author's Response:

Faith as vamp substitute... makes sense! :D

Name: Lezzinbout (Anonymous) · Date: 03/03/2016 05:08 AM · For: Chapter 1

JOY!!!! So stoked about a new story from you, made my day! Herm and all this foreshadowing is tickling my taco! 😝 Just wondering if that's a typo at the beginning there😘 youre awesome

Author's Response:

Lol, I have no idea what the typo was, but probably. :p Thank you!!! Glad you're digging it.

Name: riterevrenzee (Signed) · Date: 02/29/2016 10:46 PM · For: Chapter 4

Faith has been kicked out of her body, maybe into the cat, although I doubt that. Stupid ghost taking over Faith's body. So I guess that means Faith's thoughts and memories got kicked out too? Smart Buffy to ask this person inhabiting Faith such a personal question. ha. go Buffy, Go Miz Wonderbra, I love the suspense although as I said before it makes me anxious.

Author's Response:

It's gonna be a little less suspenseful I think, starting with the next chapter, which answers some of your questions. :) I'm happy to see you still here in Fuffy land! I didn't know the previous review was you. :) 

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 02/28/2016 04:55 AM · For: Chapter 3
Aha!!! The ghost DID possess Faith's body. Are they residing in the same body, or is Faith's soul floating within the confines of her room?

Poor Buffy getting the cold treatment from 'weird' Faith. I suppose even with their crazy, supernatural lifestyle, or can't always assume that a ghost is possessing someone's friend. Especially if you're only clues are they start giving you hugs, they don't eat a ton of breakfast, they ignore horses(!!!), and they stop making innuendoes to pretty blondes.

I totally laughed when Will nonchalantly mentioned Buffy's attraction to Faith.

So much has happened in this chapter: who is the new slayer? Why is this weird Faith chatty-Cathy with the old guy? Is the cat a real cat or another supernatural being (and why was he in the trunk)?

All these is making me hungry.

Author's Response:

I am most behind on your reviews because C2 ate it the last two times I tried to respond to you. >:( Since I'm so late now, I know you know the answer to your questions. :p Faith was kicked out and is roaming about the house, rattling chains and whatnot.

To be fair, Faith stopping with her innuendos is a major clue! She loves to flirt. :D Willow definitely had Buffy's number here lol. Poor Buffy. Always the last to know about herself.

The cat is real and you've met the slayer by now. :p She'll be popping back up again too. As for the old guy... you'll have to wait and see.

My dearest Topak, I'm sorry I left you hanging out here all this time. You are wonderful and thank you for always following my fic and being patient with me. :D :D

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 02/27/2016 09:21 PM · For: Chapter 4

Thank you for always being consistent with your updates! (And for your other lovely stories to pass the time~) <3333, if you're looking for a beta please let me know, I spotted a few spelling errors ;)

Author's Response:

Always being consistent with updates... Now you've jinxed me. Is this a good time to tell you we've almost caught up to what I have finished and soon the updates will be a little less consistent? D:

Name: kash89 (Anonymous) · Date: 02/27/2016 08:28 AM · For: Chapter 4

yay! Getting closer to figuring out what the heck is going on with Faith. Whatever took over her body needs to kick rocks! Loving these frequent updates btw. Now if only I could remember my password so I can get notified when you do update. I check it every day though.

Author's Response:

Haha. Did the lost password option not work for you? Email me, I'll see if I can reset it for you on the back end. 

Name: NeytiriJade (Anonymous) · Date: 02/27/2016 12:15 AM · For: Chapter 4


Translation: This is very good. Please give more. Perhaps sooner than Friday? Need Fuffy.

Author's Response:

Haha noooooo not sooner. I'm almost caught up to the chapters I have finished. If I post any faster, I'll run out! 

Name: SixteenThirty (Signed) · Date: 02/26/2016 07:33 PM · For: Chapter 4

My guess it's the woman that lived there before, the cousin or sister of the man who donated the horses!! Boom. She died and... wants to feel alive again, possibly? Faith's a innocent by stander who's body got jacked by a ghost. Yeah baby, no demonic stuff happening here. Just a lonely soul who's sharing? Faith's personal space. 

I really like this fic and can't wait for my weekly fix. Keep writing Alice, coz we're all still reading. 

Author's Response:

You're very astute. 😉 Some correct and some not quite. More to be revealed next chapter! I hope I can keep up the pace. It might slow a bit and not have a weekly update, but I'll shoot for biweekly. Hang in there with me! 

Name: madison4865 (Anonymous) · Date: 02/26/2016 06:47 AM · For: Chapter 4
excellent chapter! it made the hairs on my arms stand up. glad buffy isn't letting go.

Author's Response:

Woot! Thanks! You know Buffy. When she's got a hunch, she will NOT let go. 

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 02/24/2016 10:21 AM · For: Chapter 3

Something is definitely wrong with Faith. I'm not sure if it's a body possession or something else but at least Buffy can tell she's acting strangely. I wonder if the others will start to think that way, too. Loved the scene with Faith telling Buffy she's not interested. Buffy's response is excellent, as is her response to Willow the next morning.

Can't wait for the next part! :)

Author's Response:

Buffy's like this totally makes me angry but I can't articulate why and NO WILLOW it is definitely not because I have feelings where would you get such a crazy idea!? Lol. The others may eventually notice stuff. :p I'm still writing it so I guess we will both find out later! :p

Name: Indiana Jane (Signed) · Date: 02/23/2016 11:17 PM · For: Chapter 3

What's the fun in reading them all right now?! Oh wait all the fun! And a huge perk to being the authors pet rangler? house keeper? BIGGEST FAN (in all of the ways)?

Author's Response:

Biggest fan huh? Pfffft. I have way more dedicated fans than you. You are REALLY cute though, so you do have that going for you. :D

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 02/23/2016 01:16 AM · For: Chapter 3

I enjoy the story telling but I don't like what is happening to Faith, it makes me all anxious and stuff.

Author's Response:

Aww no! Soon it will get better, I promise!

Name: Redmoon (Anonymous) · Date: 02/21/2016 04:11 PM · For: Chapter 3

Hot diggity........... Cat go 'hiss' buffy go 'hinkey' *slaps willow upside the head* hellooooooo Ghosties in de house..... EXcellant. it amazes me, the things you pick up on within the character studies of faith and buffy. The change in faith is seen by everyone else as a good thing, her becoming 'normal' within a group. to go from stabby, bitchy, innuendo, faith, is seen as faith growing up, especially to willow. yet to buffy she sees that becoming this new faith to the others is not faith. of course buffy welcomes the less stabby side. it made me laugh out loud when buffy set up for the big faith innuendo and faith didn't. buffy so dissappointed by it. lol. Bet there was a first class buffy pout brewing. by the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes...... exits on evil laughter....... mwhahahaha. love it, and thank you x


Author's Response:

Buffy was rather disappointed by Faith not goin with her innuendo, wasn't she? Lol. Poor Buffy. She misses flirty Faith! I think it's not just that they interpret Faith's behavior differently, but Buffy also has better senses than the others. She just knows something is wrong, because she knows Faith on a different level than they do. Perhaps the others will figure it out eventually? :p No clue, I'm still writing it, haha!

Name: Titanway16 (Anonymous) · Date: 02/20/2016 05:11 PM · For: Chapter 3

Wow!! I love this story so far. I'm also a huge fan of your work. Please update again soon! I can't wait to see what happens next. 

Author's Response:

Thank you! Glad you are enjoying this one. :) 

Name: NeytiriJade (Anonymous) · Date: 02/20/2016 04:29 AM · For: Chapter 3

Okay. You is forgiven. :3

Definitely a case of possession. Seems it's the old woman who owned the trunk? Whatever the case.... Leave Faith alone so she & Buffy can make with the smoochies!

I want moar. ASA and P. 

Author's Response:

Haha. Next Friday. Err, actually I'm flying on Friday. So no promises. I'll do my best. 😅 Smoochies will be back eventually! I think. I haven't written the ending. :p

Name: NeytiriJade (Anonymous) · Date: 02/20/2016 01:33 AM · For: Chapter 2

I came here like omg it's Saturday already chapter three has been posted woohoo!



Author's Response:

My bad! I was out of town!

Name: Indiana Jane (Anonymous) · Date: 02/19/2016 03:32 AM · For: Chapter 2

okay I loved the idea of Buffy and Faith looking up at the stars... Just sharing that moment together  - patiently exitedly waiting to read chapter 3

Author's Response:

Patiently excitedly huh? You know you could just ask me for the chapters now. 

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 02/16/2016 11:31 PM · For: Chapter 2
Damn. I didn't know how much I missed seeing Faith and Buffy flirting with each other until I read this chapter. Like seriously, the flirty scenes during the sparring reminds me of those "now kiss" memes hahaha. I could see the sticky looks they're giving each other. Gaaah!

Hahaha! Way to wake up. Being attacked by a house plant. I wonder if it has anything to do with the ghost in the house. Or totally separate? Also, even Faith gets freaked out by ghosts! Like what is its fetish with the trunk and gowns? Damn it, is she possessing Faith? No!!! That will totally ruin the ongoing flirtations happening between our slayers.

It really is so easy to "see" things happening with the descriptiveness in your writing. The style won't work in flash fictions. I am not for flash fictions. I am for descriptive narratives. Hohoho.

Author's Response:

I'm happy you made it through this chapter without getting TOO scared. The house plant was unrelated, just a "monster of the week." Don't worry, this won't totally ruin the Buffy/Faith goodness. I have a little plan up my sleeve to work around it. 😜

You'll have to wait to find out more about the ghost, but details are forthcoming.

Oh, I know your love of descriptions. You're like a nagging little devil on my shoulder when I'm writing. 😂

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 02/16/2016 10:20 AM · For: Chapter 2

Yes, it is moving right along. :) 

I like how it seems like both Buffy and Faith have feelings that they maybe want to explore but are hesistant to act on them. It is nice that they're friends though and have moved on from the past. Love the scene with the plants!

Looking forward to what happens next! Especially with this spirit of ghost that's with Faith. :)

Author's Response:

Thanks Hayley! Usually I don't actually like writing ensemble scenes that much, and am more into pure B/F goodness, but the plant scenes were fun! Next chapter coming post haste! Wow, it's Wednesday already. Time flies when you only have four chapters of this fic completed. Lol. 

Name: madison4865 (Anonymous) · Date: 02/16/2016 03:16 AM · For: Chapter 2
spooky! knew that plant would end up trouble. liking the chemistry between b + f. now was the necrophilia a little joke? we all know buffy.

Author's Response:

Lol, I didn't intend the necrophilia to be a wink, but it works! Thanks for making me look more clever than I am. :p 

Name: Redmoon (Anonymous) · Date: 02/15/2016 06:32 PM · For: Chapter 2

oh thank goodness you are back! The way you mould these characters and how spot on you get them, blows me away everytime. To find a story which pulls life back into buffy and faith and the rest of the team, is near impossible to find now. but here you are. So looking forward to this and the outcome. The thing that gets me most about your writing is the little touches of words. for example. 'buffy looked back over her shoulder, eyes meeting' just those little things that most writers ignore or don't even bother trying to put in because they don't think it's needed. but turns a good story into a great story because it shows the emotions and the reality of a character. You can see them more as you read. So thank you and welcome backkkkkkkkkkkk x

Author's Response:

Wow, thank you so much! :D I was gone for such a long time that I was worried no one would be around to read anymore! I really appreciate your kind words. I guess now I have to go thank my good friend who unrelentingly complains when I don't do enough scene setting or background details. I love doing dialogue and get kind of caught up in that, but thanks to her, I try to make sure I'm doing enough to let you see them. She's so gonna run my face in it now that someone else commented on it. :p Thank you so much for coming back and reading. As long as people want to read, I'll try to keep posting new things (at the rate of a slug like usual :p). 

Name: ANON (Anonymous) · Date: 02/14/2016 06:34 PM · For: Chapter 2

Great story so far, can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Thanks! :) 

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