The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

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Members: 1604
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2557
Reviewers: 157
Newest Member: Zebra John


Reviews For

The Other Woman

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 04/06/2017 11:11 PM · For: Chapter 6

Faith nods thoughtfully. “You wanna just not tell her? I mean, I’m happy to be your personal haunting for the rest of your life, but it’s probably going to put a damper on your love life.”

The corner of Buffy’s mouth twitches. “No,” she says, squaring her shoulders. “I can tell her. She’ll totally understand.”


I totally think the "no" was in response to Faith saying it would put a "damper" on Buffy's love life. Girl, Faith, don't be dense. 

Author's Response:

Lol! Could be read either way! 

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 04/06/2017 11:07 PM · For: Chapter 5

Aww, I really liked this chapter, I love it when Faith is concerned/worried/protective  about/of Buffy! I also always like it when she's vulnerable about Buffy. It really show that after everything, she trusts Buffy with her feelings and opens up to her!

I also totally went back and re-read the previous chapters, but this time knowing that Faith was following Buffy the whole time, ha ha! It made me blush. 

I liked how Faith agonized over the other woman telling Buffy they're just friends, and Faith getting to see Buffy all upset about it.

Author's Response:

This fic has been a bit of a challenge, trying to develop their relationship without any ability to touch, especially when it's been pretty fast paced. Is it happening organically? I hope so. I think it's partly the work they already did from the finale until this point, but on the other hand, Faith is in a desperate position and seeing Buffy work so hard to get to the bottom of things is fast tracking Faith's trust for Buffy. 

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 04/06/2017 10:44 PM · For: Chapter 4

I have to say that I still have no idea what's going on, and who this other Faith even is. Originally, from reading the title of the story, I thought this other Faith would be an alternate version of the Faith we know, or something of that sort, but this Faith just seems to be a new person altogether, like some kind of impostor that's trying their best to act like Faith, but I have no clue who would want to target Faith and take over her body? 

Buffy making the Boston suggestion to visit Faith's mother was a pretty clever move. Buffy's sharp when it comes to people!

Author's Response:

I always loved Buffy's intelligence. She has her blonde moments but she's actually really clever. All eventually becomes clear about who's joyriding in Faith's body and I think you've gotten that far by now. :) 

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 04/06/2017 10:41 PM · For: Chapter 3


“Look,” she says, lowering her tone to one that’s almost gentle, “I know what you’re upset about.”

“Huh?” Buffy says, confused by this turn of events.

“I know sometimes it seems like we have something going on,” Faith says, gesturing between them, “but just so we’re clear, I’m not interested.”

Buffy’s mouth hangs open in surprise and more than a little outrage. “You think I’m ticked because I have the hots for you?” She demands.

“It’s probably my fault,” Faith says, her tone conciliatory. “I didn’t mean to lead you on. I just want us to be on the same page now. That’s all.”

“I…” Buffy’s mouth opens uselessly, completely speechless.

“Friends, right?” Faith asks, looking away toward the house.

Recovering herself, Buffy drops her hands to her sides and balls her fists. Practically smoldering now, she stomps past Faith, muttering a whatever in her general direction.

Behind her, she hears Faith let out a little chuckle and begin walking too.

I LOVE HOW PETTY BUFFY WAS ABOUT THE WHOLE THING HA HA!! Telling herself that SHE'S not the schoolgirl in love, and if anyone should be the schoolgirl with a crush, it should be FAITH ha ha ha! Buffy getting all huffy about it was pretty cute~!

Author's Response:

lol I meeeeeean not that she's full of herself or anything but come on. Lol. Obviously Faith wants to bone her. This is a total 180. :D

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 04/06/2017 10:22 PM · For: Chapter 2

It's really hard for me to articulate, but you really capture the feel of the BtVS show with your writing. When I read this chapter, the entirety of it seemed to me almost like watching a Buffy episode. I think what you do really well is the delivery of the jokes. They are all  well-time and placed, do not cut from the action, and just "fit" the characters that say them. I wish I could paste a couple of my favorite one-liners, but I'm reading this on my phone and I'm sure you can understand that it is so painful to copy and paste with a mobile!

At any rate, what I'm trying to get at is that the comedy is ON POINT! It's not over the top, but it's not totally lacking either (like some other Fuffy fanfics I have read that just take themselves too seriously, which is not that true to the show). You space out serious and lighthearted moments in an sensible manner. Just like the show. I'm really enoying the story so far, exactly for this reason!!! 

Author's Response:

Thank you! That is totally one of the best aspects about the dialogue on BtVS so I'm thrilled you think I manage to get it across in my fics. :D I hope you do see that I am reading and loving your reviews! If you end up signing up for an account, you will get notifications when you get a response from an author. :) 

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 04/06/2017 10:16 PM · For: Chapter 1

So I was a bit way of starting this story, since it's in progress, and I'm a very impatient person and waiting for new chapters to come out is agonizing, but I guess I'm a masochistic sucker because I decided to start it anyway since the summary intrigued me!

This chapter was so cute. It was a sunny day outside while I was reading it on my phone, and just the whole domestic Fuffy feel was just precious. I like seeing Faith interacting with and living with the Scooby gang in harmony. I'm so happy she was included in the finale; it's such fanfiction fodder for developing the Fuffy relationship.

BUT SPEAKING OF FINALE! Can you believe they didn't invite Eliza Dushku to the Buffy reunion?!? Uh, can I say, RUDE!? I mean, I know she was not a series regular, BUT the fact that people pointed out that "Faith was missing" clearly proves that she was a very impactful character despite not being a regular, so she really derserved an invitation! Like, Seth Green is a cool guy, but despite being a regular, as soon as he left the show, it really didn't feel to me like anyone was missing or that his absence made the show any less enjoyable; yet someone like Eliza, who was only a guest star, made such an impression on the audience with her character that even now all Buffy fans (not just femslash fans) noticed her absence in the reunion! She was just so essential to the show, or at least was one of the pieces that made itso special, the dark slayer being the counter to Buffy's light slayer! 

Anyway, just wanted to express that with someone that hopefully understands my disappointment! But Eliza was so classy about the whole thing. So much respect for that woman!

Author's Response:

Omni, oh no, why would you choose this one to check out first?? D: D: I'm sloooooowly working my way through finishing this fic (there aren't too many more chapters), but no promises on time. :( Hope you can hang in there. 

I was pretty bummed about ASH not appearing in the photo shoot too. I assume it just didn't work for his schedule, but his absence was huge. It does seem silly to not invite other big recurring characters like Faith and Wesley. They were Scoobies for a time. But hey! Don't be bagging on my man Oz! I did love Oz and missed him once he was gone. As much as I loved Tara, I truly loved Willow with Oz and I would have loved him back in season 7 to help out in some way. :( Am I the line Oz lover out there? Lol. 

Name: AustenFuego (Signed) · Date: 03/12/2017 11:40 AM · For: Chapter 8

This is one of my favorite stories. Love love love it. Just thought you should know!

Author's Response:

Thank you!! <3 And thank you for hanging in there with me! I promise I will finish it, no matter how slowly that occurs, haha. 

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 11/01/2016 01:51 AM · For: Chapter 7

Is this story still active?

Author's Response:

Sort of! The next chapter is mostly finished. Just need to get off my lazy ass and get it done. 

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 08/31/2016 07:06 PM · For: Chapter 7

So I ducked back in here because I got a notification that someone had reviewed one of my fics and it's been forever and a day so I decided to poke my head around and see what's new. And lo and behold, you've got a fantastic new story up! I am loving this. I have spent all afternoon reading this (when I should be job searching and writing cover letters - blah) and I absolutely must know what happens next.

Your writing is beautiful as always, and Faith and Buffy's relationship development is everything I have ever wanted. Not-Faith is creepy as fuck (especially with how little we know about her, other than scary possessive spirit), stealing Faith's body and reading up on the Slayer line. I love Buffy trusting her gut about knowing something was off with Faith and not waiting around for Willow or Giles to figure it out, too, but taking things into her own hands. Her conversations with Faith, once she can see Faith again, are wonderfully in-character and I can feel both her desperation and Faith's frustration at the situation. 

Ah, what a story to jump back into these two with! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response:

Yay! You're here! I was wondering if you'd given up on reading Fuffy since I hadn't seen you around these parts. :p In fact, I think it's safe to say it's definitely your fault that this story isn't done yet since you weren't leaving wonderful reviews to motivate me to write faster. Haha. Anyway, kidding aside, thank you! Glad you are enjoying so far. I really need to get my shit together and get the next chapter done. I hope your job search is going well now that you've had no further chapters to distract you? 

Name: Holly B (Anonymous) · Date: 08/30/2016 04:46 AM · For: Chapter 7

Wow, I'm so glad to see your still writing! I'm a huge fan of your other stories I read on another website, and found this and saw you are currently writing a story!!! Yayy! This story so far is really great. I love the unique slow burn and I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks Ms. Holly! So glad you found your way here. Will do my best to actually update soon. 😊

Name: AustenFuego (Signed) · Date: 08/11/2016 09:52 PM · For: Chapter 1

Well, if this first chapter is any indication, this is going to be an AMAZING story!

Author's Response:

Yay! I hope you love it. :D

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 07/28/2016 01:42 PM · For: Chapter 7

Woohoo!!!!!!! There is an update!!!!! Yay! Time of my happy dance 🎉🎉👯👯💃🏼🎉🎉💋💋... Whew... Now that, that is out of my system. Great update! I love the mystery and the suspense in this story. I hope there is another update soon. Cheers!

Author's Response:

Thank you! 🎉🎉 I'm not going to lie to you, anon, I haven't even started the next chapter yet. But!! I have been writing somewhat regularly so I promise it will come, hopefully sooner rather than later. :) 

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 07/28/2016 01:03 AM · For: Chapter 1

Whatever you write, whenever you can. Know that I will always read it. You are the best author on this site, and one of the all-time best fan fic authors ever - and I've been reading fanfic daily since 1997.

Have no doubt, you'll always have a hungry loyal audience hanging on your every word.

And whether it's said or not, we are very, very grateful.

Author's Response:

Wow! Thank you so much. You totally made my day! :) :) Sadly, I do think eventually the audience for Fuffy may dwindle down to me, you, and just a few others. But I'll keep writing them out as long as I've got the ideas and the time to make it happen. We're what, 13 years out from the finale now? Let's go for 20. :p  

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 07/27/2016 05:33 PM · For: Chapter 7

Great to see this continuing! Thank you!

Author's Response:

Thank YOU for still coming back and reading even though I take forever in between every update. :) Much appreciated. 

Name: SixteenThirty (Signed) · Date: 07/26/2016 04:28 PM · For: Chapter 7

Well worth the wait!! Faith and Buffy are so cute together,  this is quickly becoming the slow burn which will ignite as soon as a certain someone gets their body back. I would also be very interested in reading this other story of which you hath spake. Distraction 1.01. 😀

Author's Response:

Hey there! It might ignite a little bit sooner than you think... Sort of. Is that vague enough? Haha. :) 

The new fic is looking to be about seven chapters in total and I'm writing chapter 5 currently. I am going to contain myself and not post it until it's done or else I leave you waiting forever like I've done here. But it's interesting! Different than what I've done before. I hope you'll like it. :D I'm writing somewhat regularly at this point so I might finish in our lifetime if I keep it up. 

Name: Skytls92 (Signed) · Date: 05/25/2016 04:09 PM · For: Chapter 6

Loving this story!! Please update asap I'm dying to see where it goes:) very well written and I like seeing the softer side of faith and how her connection to Buffy brings that side out of her :) please update!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you! Next chapter is finally up. :)

Name: Lise (Anonymous) · Date: 05/19/2016 03:47 PM · For: Chapter 6

This is pure torture, you know that? how am I supposed to live while I'm constantly pressing F5, checking for updates? The answer is: I can't. So unless you want the death of an innocent stranger (benefit of the doubt) on your mind, it'd be best to update as soon as possible!

Anyway. Thank you for the much needed Fuffy fix and for continuing to write about these two. This story is great and false Faith is as creepy as you intended her to be, so good job! 

Pleaaaaaase continue! 

Author's Response:

Well, this is a new and interesting tactic to campaign for updates, lol. :D To save you from constantly refreshing, you could sign up for an account and put an alert on the story. Just a suggestion because I don't want your death on my conscience. Unless you're already dead because you left this review two months ago and I've failed at getting back to you until now. D: I do hope you're not dead.

Thank you, lovely anon! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I will eventually finish and I hope you'll hang in there with me.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 04/26/2016 12:43 AM · For: Chapter 4

Im glad Buffy is catching on so quickly

Author's Response:

She's a smart cookie. ;)

Name: kash89 (Signed) · Date: 04/25/2016 02:20 PM · For: Chapter 6

plzzz come back! I'm really missing those weekly updates.

Author's Response:

I'm back! Not on a weekly basis though, haha.

Name: 4chunfvrsthbrave (Signed) · Date: 04/24/2016 02:40 PM · For: Chapter 6

I am really enjoying this story! It's well crafted, well written, engaging, and exciting. You do a lot of showing, not telling. It makes me use my brain which I really appreciate. I eagerly await the next installment.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I wish I were faster with the updates! Next chapter is finally up. Maybe the writing gods will smile upon me and chapter 8 won't take another three months. :)

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 04/05/2016 03:54 AM · For: Chapter 6

Yaaaaassss a new chapter! I hope you're feeling well because of the later update. 

Wooo, this fic is such a slow burner~ (/saunters over to your other fics in the meantime..  :D) Thank you for writing. 

Author's Response:

Thank you anon! I'm feeling fine, I'm just lazy and unmotivated and it takes me forever to finish a chapter. Which is why it's smart for me to not post until I finish writing, but what can I say, I got ahead of myself this time. D: I hope the other fics are tiding you over!

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 03/22/2016 01:10 PM · For: Chapter 5

I loved reading this background on what exactly happened to Faith once her body was taken over. It was interesting to read just how much she tried to contact Buffy and I liked that you waited until Buffy could see her in order to reveal it.

Looking forward to reading what's coming next! :)

Author's Response:

Thank you! I hadn't initially planned to write it like that but it just felt right in the moment. :) I've finally gotten around to posting chapter 7 haha. Hope you enjoy!

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 03/22/2016 09:29 AM · For: Chapter 4

I love how Buffy played detective in this chapter and wouldn't let it go after the spell. She's not giving up on Faith and that's fun to read. She definitely knew how to test Faith at the end with bringing up her past as a test. Way to think it through, Buffy! 

Great chapter! :)

Author's Response:

I'm sorry that I've fallen off the face of the earth and never responded to my reviews!! D: Buffy is a smart cookie and she's stubborn as all get out. She was not going to let it go, haha. :D Thanks!

Name: neytirijade (Signed) · Date: 03/18/2016 10:09 PM · For: Chapter 5

The suspense is killing me :0

Author's Response:

Wait. Are you dead? Did you write this review from the great beyond? D:

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 03/08/2016 06:34 AM · For: Chapter 5
I really liked this chapter!!! Buffy has finally unlocked what happened to Faith. At first I thought it was the 'other woman' who knocked her out. I was really worried. Thankfully it was Faith.

I loved that part where Faith tells how she saw Buffy's frustration after being told that faith wasn't interested in her like that. So cute. You did well in conveying how she saw Buffy while in her non corporeal form. I enjoyed Faith's monologue. She sounded so, I dunno, not dark. More mature and calmer, appreciative.

I laughed at the two ghosts, are they ghosts or Angels? They have meetings? LoL!

I'm curious if Faith is visible to the other humans. And I wonder how the fuck that other woman can possess Faith's body but not have any idea that her soul still remains in the house. Won't she feel threatened?

Author's Response:

And now we are getting caught up! What do you mean knocked out? I was intending that to just be a side effect of the spell. Perhaps it didn't come across well?

Faith is all grown up! Not always easy when Buffy pushed her buttons as much as she does, but she's trying. Ami and Muriel are a mystery still to be revealed so I won't comment on them. :D Faith is not visible to the others, and the other woman can't see her now that she's got a body again. The hazards of body snatching I suppose. :p

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