The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

The Chosen Two Archives


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Season [234]

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Site Info

Members: 1604
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2557
Reviewers: 157
Newest Member: Zebra John


Reviews For Locked Out

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 07/26/2017 09:34 PM · For: Locked Out

Sad and sweet  nice writing, hope to read more fuffy from you.

Author's Response:

Thank you! We'll see what else I come up with...

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 07/07/2017 09:15 AM · For: Locked Out

Well, firstly, I love this. You are SO good at weaving together a little bite size piece that just hits me right in the face. But now to my second point, why are you so mean? This deserves another chapter! I want to see Faith kicking ass and living and helping with Glory! Love the idea that the Council would still find Faith for her birthday present, sadistic fucks that they are. Love that Buffy and the Scoobs cared enough to come through, especially since I know you wrote Buffy as in a place to forgive Faith now, but even if she had still been furious, I feel like she'd show up to save her anyway. Ugh! Breaking my heart here. 😭😭😭 Thank you for writing and sharing. Do you have any new multichap stuff I should seek out? I need moar. 😊

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot, glad you liked it! 

I was thinking of continuing this, there are some interesting places it could go, but honestly I'm not sure where to take it without turning it into a whole big thing rewriting s5 entirely, and since I don't usually do multichapter fic that feels like biting off more than I can chew right now. So for now, I'm leaving this with Faith in jail feeling a bit better about herself, and Buffy possibly believing a bit more in change. You can find all (well, most of) my stuff at AO3 under beer_good though.

Name: 0mniessence (Signed) · Date: 07/06/2017 06:42 PM · For: Locked Out

This piece was cool to read!

I'm glad to see you're still writing Fuffy :)!

I felt so bad for Faith that thought Buffy helping her and lying down with her was just a dream :(

But I live for the angst!! It feeds me!! I'm terrible haha.

I hope you write more soon!


Author's Response:

Thanks a lot! Well, I can't let them be *too* happy, haha. 

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