The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

The Chosen Two Archives


Relationship [281]
Season [234]

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Site Info

Members: 1593
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2556
Reviewers: 157
Newest Member: Howzitgoin


Reviews For Static

Name: Theory (Anonymous) · Date: 04/05/2018 12:56 PM · For: Chapter 1

i honestly wouldn’t mind a part 2 of this. It’s complete the way it is but this was kinda heavy while also being hot and I want to see how the date goes and read some more of this emotional development and reveal. Plus let be real I’m curious to to what the other stuf will be like because the static shock is too funny 

Author's Response:

Hey, thank you so very much for taking the time to respond .. I will give your idea some thought.  I have so many new ones up on my storyboard right now and am in the process of trying to proof two so I can post them... I'll see what I can do... again thank you.. I cant tell you enough of how much your kind words are driving me to write more.  Hugs  Liz M

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