Okay, first of all, this story is so freaking amazing that I feel like I just had an out of body experience! Seriously, so many chills as I read it that I had to take little breaks to calm down. How are you so good??
Second, how has it been FOUR years since I was here last?!?? I just checked my comment history and it was four years ago almost exactly that reread all your stories while staying in a little cabin with crappy internet. It was one of the best vacations I've ever had.
And now I find that I have not one but several new stories from you waiting for me and I feel like I win the freaking LOTTERY. I actually found the stories on AO3 but came here to read them since this is where I first found you and fell in love with your work. Don't worry, I'll read and review there as well since that is more likely to eyeballs.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Author's Response:Four years?!? You have like... four stories from me plus the end of The Other Woman. 😂😂😂 You know how slow I am though, maybe you should pace yourself. Interestingly enough, I am currently staying in a little lakeside boathouse without running water, having a lovely vacation, so I totally relate to your cabin vacation nostalgia. Although I haven't been reading fanfic. I've just been napping and enjoying being in a space that isn't my house after 6+ months of quarantine. 😂
Thank you for coming back and writing again! I am excited to hear what you think of the stuff waiting for you. I seem to remember that you like to mix up your angst with a little schmoop, so all the new stuff should be up your alley! Vengeance is an ongoing story, but it IS finished, so you won't have to wait long for those updates. It's also pretty light on angst, however it does have a sequel that I am about half done with that brings MOAR ANGST. So that's forthcoming as well. 😂😊 All this to say, yay, you're back! And so am I! Haha. I hope you've been well these four years! What the heck have you been up to? a86;a039;
Honestly I've been considering writing a first date fic, totally inspired by this and if it's cool with you maybe even possibly a sequel? If you were to write their date what would you have happen? I'm a decent writer but damn if I have trouble actually coming up with plot! Let me know if you'd like to collab on a sequel, or just a first date fic in general! I'm over at Ao3 as neytirijade and you can find me on Twitter too @andcitylights if you're interested :)
Author's Response:Hey! Sorry for my late response. For once I have a kind of good excuse, because you left this message shortly before my wedding, then I went on my honeymoon, then we went into a global pandemic. D: D:
You should write a first date fic! :) Probably not a direct sequel to this in case I ever want to do so? That said, I haven't thought about what their first date would look like, lol. I would probably include slaying hijinks though. A date interrupted by demon emergency is very Buffy, and I feel like that would continue.
I have the opposite problem when it comes to plot. I have so many damned plots in my mind. I think of something, get excited, pump out like 3 or 4 chapters of it, and then I just get distracted and stop writing. So I have in my 'ongoing' folder, three multi-chapter stories in various stages of completion, the final chapter of The Other Woman, and the sequel to Shot in the Dark. Then in my 'on hold' AKA basically abandoned folder, the Omega sequel, prequel to Flowers for a Ghost, and two started but abandoned planned multi-chap fics. I am basically #fail at self-discipline. Also for this reason I won't commit to collaborating on anything. I would flake, with 100% certainty, and I don't want to do that to you! Happy to chat anytime and I followed you on twitter, but fair warning I basically do not use it anymore. But DM me anytime-- I think I have notification set up... think... :D
This was so amazing light and fluffy ! I would love to see what the date looks like !
Author's Response:Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! I would promise to write the date, but honestly I've got like 4 other stories in various stages of abandonment so I don't want to make promises I can't keep! 😂😂
I just really love and am jealous of your writing. I wish there was a sequel to this.. I wanted to see how their date went :p and I love Faith being flustered lol. And the talk with Giles was amazing. And Willow and Xander all, "she came back totally hotter than ever". And bless Dawn for getting it all started!
Author's Response:Thank you so much! 😊😊😊 It could be fun to do a sequel, but I'm also slacking on several unfinished multi-chap stories so if I get my act together, I should work on those. 😂😂😂 Someday haha.
Great story,loved it,thanx!
Author's Response:Thank you!!
Reread this little gem, never fails to win me over a fic centered around Buffy's apparent obliviousness to Faith and all those vibes coming her way :) Always the last to know? Poor Buffy.
Author's Response:Hahaha. She was the best, but sometimes soooo oblivious. :D I love naive clueless Buffy too!
Short but oh so sweet.
Really this was a perfect little fuffy fanfic with a gooey centre. I loved the interactions between Buffy and Faith especially at the end and I enjoyed the idea of them setting up in a haunted boarding school.In reply to your response to my other review: 1) Congrats on the getting married thing! I hope your big day goes amazingly.
2)I know I suck at updating my fics. Big time. I make promises then fail to keep them.
That said.
I currently have a lot of free time that I've mostly been investing in writing a book. I have however been meaning to finish my Buffy stories and after seeing that you're still at this, well, it's a bit of a motivator.
Watch this space...
Author's Response:You are in good company with the sucking and the failed promises! :) Not that I want to take you away from writing a book that one assumes will earn you money and give you great pride and joy to see out there in the world, but YES PLEASE. THROW THAT BOOK TO THE WAYSIDE. If you finish your fics, I will be over the moon lol.
Wow! A blast from the past indeed. Thank you so much for sharing. I so enjoyed this brief foray back into Fuffy. It's been so long since I read any. I hope there might be more from you at some point!
Author's Response:Hey, you! Fancy meeting you here. :) Blast from the past indeed. I am working on becoming a blast in the present... I do have some new stuff I'm working on. As long as you'll always be back to read, I'll always (super slowly) write!
Yeeeeessss! This was sweet and funny and awkward and adorable and I loved every second of it, most especially Faith helping Giles catalogue books (and his rants against the Dewey Decimal system that Faith now has *opinions* about), and Faith and Buffy's conversation at the end. Everyone felt so perfectly in character, I could picture everything and hear it in my head and it was perfect. Thank you!
Author's Response:Thank YOU so much!! :) :) I am happy you were around to read this after I disappeared for about two years. I appreciate you. (insert gif of cats or maybe monkeys hugging it out)
Author's Response:Woot!
thank you for writing and sharing this loveley story.
Please never give up writing Fuffy stories
it‘s everything
Author's Response:I can't promise anything since clearly I am of the suck when it comes to being consistent. But I am a few chapters into another fic, so we'll see how it goes! Thank you. <3
Loved this story, glad your still writing.
Author's Response:Thank you! I took a looooong hiatus but hopefully I may keep this up. :)
I totally enjoyed your brief foray into the land of the living, and I agree about Kennedy. 3:)
Author's Response:Haha! Kennedy haters unite? You can be the president of our club, I'll be secretary. Thank you for reading and enjoying my brief foray. I am... dare I say, still among the land of the living and four chapters deep into something else that I might actually finish!