Chutes & Ladders
My brain is dead and I may have just lost my wits after that hot birthday sex.
I'm trying to remember the earlier half of the story but all I can picture is the, uh... Uh... Hahahaha! I'm really trying to remember!
Oh yeah, wesley!!! He's making me like him a lot now. What he did for faith, totally the thing I would have loved to see in the series. They look like brother and sister now. Except that Wes is a refined gentleman and Faith's a street punk. I'm loving the fact that you seem to be giving Faith the opportunities she didn't have in canon.
That last bit about Faith contemplating about her developing feelings for Buffy, that was well written. Simply stated but the reasoning behind her fears made sense. Not made up or over the top. She's honest and scared, but she's not angry or in denial. I like :)
Another thing, that fuffy scene was so hot yet funny. Reminded me of things ;) now I'm all relaxed again thanks to you.
Author's Response:Thanks, tinaselosa. Chutes is kind of a love letter to Faith. I want her to have all the security and love she missed out on. :D
This chapter is another enjoyable one. Do you ever do boring?
I like how you structure your chapters into these sections that fit perfectly together. The one at the motel with Buffy, it sounded so much like new relationships. The giddiness and excitement is so obvious between two. I can't help but smile at how they interacted with each other. You write things descriptively, it's so easy to visualize them interacting (*tingles*).
Then comes Cordy. Hahaha. She's so perfect for Faith. As a friend of course. They can act as blunt towards each other, and none would take it personally. So refreshing. Cordy is hilarious.
So I've never actually mentioned anything about this impending threat to the slayer(s?). Sorry. Right now I'm more focused on the developing emotions between the two slayers. Also, I get so swept up in the interactions between the characters that the other story line slips through from my mind. Well that, and I lack sleep. Hahah.
Author's Response:LOL, you thought the last chapter was boring so... :p Best to focus on the interaction and not pay too much attention to the plot, such as it is. :D
Hahahaha kidding! Ummmm...
You do know I'm reading the story cause of the plot, right? Le porn is not for me. You should have put a warning or something.
Bwahahaha I'm kidding sweet hot first time. That was mmmmm...
Author's Response:LOL, you loved every second!
That felt great. I thought I was watching tv so relaxing cause it Left me Feeling good.
I'm happy you didn't end the year end with everyone feeling shty.
Glad that Wesley chose to be honest with Faith, telling her the real reason why he thinks they need each other. I think at this point, Faith needs people to treat her with respect, and not look at her like a mistake. You're intentionally making us like Wesley, no?
the best part of the chapter is when Faith and Buffy kiss and make up. Ahhhh love how you make people act all crazy and moody, especially these two teen girls. Loving the interactions between them. So realistic. Kinda reminds me of people
The ever faithful jerk
Author's Response:Yes, of course, Wesley is intentional. I told you he's not such a bad guy. He finds comfort in rules and academics because he had an emotionally abusive parent. Deep down, he can really relate to Faith, and I try to trickle that in during the later chapters. :)
Haha, so their moods remind you of yourself?? :p
Smiled when I read that note at the bottom. I asked myself where you were going with the chapter. The baby was returned to his family. No one died. And you showed us that Faith and Buffy can work together even if they're awkward around each other, the way only exes and people skirting around their emotions for each other get awkward.
I'm thinking you wanted to show us that relationships, even B and F's, don't happen overnight. It's not the best chapter (don't kill me), but I still enjoyed it.
Author's Response:Haha, that's okay. It is a filler chapter. I'm giving them a bit of time off drama before we move into the next part. Also I needed that baby for reasons you will see later. :p
“Is it like in the slayer handbook that all slayers must be morons?” Hahahah. Made me snort when I read this. Your wit is showing. *and I'm suddenly reminded of your mean wit. *...waits for you to call me jerk*
Cordy. I wish the real Cordy really did become Faith's friend. How it would have changed things, I dunno. But I love how she's not the least be affected by Faith's mean, snarky remarks.
“No, I'm just wondering because she's all `Dances with Nerds' and you're pretending not to be in love with like the only person who can stand you, so… I'm just saying, it seems to be a trend.” Hahaha... darn you're good.
Oooh Wesley's got his own personal drama. Now he's got more reason to get Faith back. I just hope he tries harder this time, but with less bluntness. I am rooting for him to succeed.
Author's Response:Hey, jerk! :D See, I told you Wesley was likeable!
I love you for going through all these chapter and leaving feedback.
layer dream was weird. I wasn't able to follow. LoL! I think me and Buffy are in the same boat. Slow and confused. Heheh.
Our girls are really cute... Hahaha. You're right, they're acting like a couple of lovesick teenagers. Cute and dramatic. Buffy's hiding at Xander's, and Faith's all guilty. But the moment they see each other, their first instinct is to make each other jealous. Hahaha!
I like it that Cordy's becoming good friends with Faith, looking out after her and not letting her act impulsively. Faith needs a friend all her own. And Cordy's strong enough to put up with her shit.
Yay for Wesley making an effort to 'court' Faith. You like Wes? I didn't know you were into pretty boys. *snickers*
Author's Response:Haha, I am into stories of redemption, and Wesley had one! He became quite bad ass.
Yay, you like the Cordy friendship! :D I love the two of them as friends, idk why. It just sort of happened in this fic. I didn't intend it from the beginning. :)
Christmas and slayer kisses. What else can I ask for? Ummm... More slayer kisses. Hahaha. One-track mind all right. But you know how sleep deprivation is causing my brain to degenerate.
From friends to 'in a relationship', Buffy is truly full of surprises. I have to side with Faith on that part about her being a bit self centered. But Faith has her problems as well. Walking out on Buffy when it's a very important holiday. But then again I might too if I almost got killed cause of someone I trusted.
I for one am not the least bit perturbed that the Christmas eve turned into a nightmare. They're teenagers and they have their issues. I can't wait for them to make up :)
I'm just glad that Giles has started making things right. He has to work extra hard to get Faith's forgiveness. I wanna see how he'll do it.
Author's Response:Haha, at least there were some kisses before their next blowout. Never boring, our girls. ;) Don't worry, there will be more kisses coming. And then some. :p
"Buffy. Just Buffy."
Awww... If I wasn't crushing on faith yet, I would be doing so after that.
I'm glad that Buffy's not acting all scared and in denial of her 'strange' feelings for Faith. I know they haven't put a label on what's happening yet, but I'm glad she's still making extra effort to make faith feel that she's really important to her.
And i am glad that Cordelia's not acting all homophobe. Or freaking out for that matter. I love her and her strange way of showing that she's supportive of this 'budding' thing between the slayers.
Wesley's such an ass. But that's expected, right? We gotta have other things to hate, aside from Giles, and the council.
Ok... Gonna see if there are more slayer kisses in the next chapter.
Author's Response:Cordelia's pretty great in this story if I do say so myself. :p Wesley's an ass but he's a cute ass, in my opinion. All his pompous blustering. His dorkiness. I love him. <3 :p
Oh Giles, you’re definitely gonna get it from the slayers. How can you go through with this, and let Faith fight alone and powerless?
I just hope Faith manages to get over this betrayal. I’m guessing she will, cause Buffy did kiss her that morning, and searched and rescued her tonight. That’s proof enough that someone cares for her a lot more than normal.
I liked your Cordelia. Underneath that mean facade is a kindhearted person. Sounds like a butt we know, yeah? *snickers*
Also, why did Giles say “Finally” after he mentioned that Faith’s gonna get her own watcher?
Author's Response:Well, look what he did to Buffy, and he cared a lot more for her than Faith. He does feel badly about it though. He said finally because Faith is a handful and he wants to pass her off! :p
Haha, you are not quite as tactless as Cordelia, but I agree with your overall assessment. :p
Action packed chapter... woot woot! Well I would have wanted for Faith to kill at least one of those vamps. But I guess you gotta give the scoobies a chance since they’ve been pretty supportive.
Ah... Buffy. I don’t know what you think you’re doing with all that touching, but Faith has a reason to act all confused and effed up cause of it. Not that I am hating it, nope. Hahah... I like it cause it’s sooooo telling of your attraction.
I loved the scene in the motel most. When Buffy leaned over Faith, whispering to each other. Aaahh the slow buildup is perfect. I loved it. Darnl, I can’t find the perfect word, but I’m all tingly inside. I want more.
Author's Response:LOL. Tinglyness? Sounds good. :p It's funny, I have to go back and skim the chapter to know what you're talking about because I haven't read it in so long, haha. The bad thing is that now I go back and see how good this is and I'm like, I need to edit the ones I'm working on now, make sure they have the same feel. Grrrr. :p
Wow. You continue to impress. I'm glad I'm re-reading this. Totally appreciate the beauty of the last two chapters. Where to begin with the praises? Maybe I'd just highlight the points that made the most impression:
Faith and her 'hatred' of showing her vulnerability. It's just the right amount of angst to pull me in without me pulling my hair out :P
And I loved how 'Buffy' described how she looked after that first kiss. The smile. The pleasure. And that of showing vulnerability cause it lead to nowhere
Buffy and her "Oh" so slow realizations... funny. You still manage to insert humor in your chaps. Makes me smile in between the seriousness.
Kisses... sweet, lady kisses. This chapter was really nice. I loved the internal dialogues of Buffy and Faith. How Faith was crying uncontrollably, and how Buffy was sharing in her pain. And then them ending up kissing again. Err kinda realistic. But totally swoon worthy.
I loved everything, except for what Giles is doing to Faith. But that's part of the plot, i kNow! LoL!
Author's Response:I'm glad all your hair's still intact, dear Topak! My Buffy isn't always bright, but her heart's in the right place! :p Glad you are enjoying it after I twisted your arm into a re-read. LOL.