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Members: 1539
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: evesock


Name: DutchDreams (Signed) · Date: 06/10/2019 01:27 PM · For: Chapter 3

Love this story sofar!Here is me hoping one day you continue to describe how they learn to trust and perhaps even love each otter as you can do so very well..thanks anyhow for sharing!

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 05/17/2017 06:10 AM · For: Chapter 3

I love this story!!!! I hope you update someday. I would love to see it finished. You write Faith and Buffy so well.

Good job!!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 02/28/2017 05:21 AM · For: Chapter 3

So I'm not sure if this is still alive but... Please let it be! I've enjoyed your writing over your many series and stand alone fictions so I would love to read more of it in this. I know it's a long shot but, please come back. 

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 02/13/2015 08:19 PM · For: Chapter 1
Woot! So it took me a while to get here, but I'm glad the brat and you are writing again. So who won the writing challenge?

This looks interesting. I promise I've read the previous chapters, but I can't recall anymore what they were about. Old brain has ineffective memory. But if you're really gonna release every week, I Promise to reread from the beginning.

I liked that part where Buffy comes in to massage lotion into Faith's arm. That seems so intimate and loving. I can imagine it's also some form of therapy for Buffy. Being with Faith, touching her, talking to her. I really hope you to see the next chapter.

Name: Anon (Anonymous) · Date: 02/11/2015 08:45 AM · For: Chapter 3

About time there was a new chapter up lol good one too but ease off the F word, only Faith is allowed to swear haha and only because she is the only character it suits, anyone else and its just out of character. XD

Oh and please don't make Riley into a jerk, I hate it when season 4 fics butcher his character, Riley is a good and understanding man, if "mundane"

Good chapter so far.

Name: badwolff (Signed) · Date: 02/10/2015 01:22 AM · For: Chapter 3

Oh! Really like this story. Keep it up! 

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 02/09/2015 09:24 PM · For: Chapter 3

I re-skimmed the first two chapters so I could read this one back in my Chase the Moon zone. To recap, eff you Willow, and double eff you, Riley. 

Now, I shall start with a complaint. Too short! I am dying of Electra writing thirst and you fling four droplets of water at me and call it a day. Then you set up the opportunity for Faith to be like so can you pls explain why you've been rubbing lotion on my unconscious body for 8 months and you leave me hanging! You are a cruel, cruel soul. 

As usual, I loved their interactions and I loved how Buffy Buffy was. :) Joyce and Giles also for the win. Nurse with wheelchair, who made the future awkward conversation about Buffy and the lotion possible,  for the honorable mention. I look forward to more! Hopefully soon! 

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 02/08/2015 02:02 PM · For: Chapter 1

I'm excited to see how Buffy and Faith will work togehter with the mistrust between the two. 

Name: Amber (Anonymous) · Date: 02/08/2015 01:27 PM · For: Chapter 3

So good.  Very excited for your next update.

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 02/07/2015 03:04 PM · For: Chapter 3

So I read this instead of starting my history midterm...

Worth it!

The mutual mistrust between the two is so natural, like there's no other way for them right now. I especially liked Faith's reaction when she got to Giles' place. If I were her, I'd expect an ambush, too.

I love Joyce so much! She's doing so much to make Faith feel comfortable. Too bad not many others feel the same but that's kind of expected.

Loved the chapter! :)

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 02/06/2015 10:14 PM · For: Chapter 3

So far, so good! Interesting. Hope to read more.

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/12/2014 06:00 PM · For: Chapter 2

Umm.... so this needs to have more chapters now, okay? Thank you. 

Funny enough, I randomly watched "This Year's Girl" this morning. I love that episode, and I love fanfic reinterpretations of it, too! I like the way you've blended canon-Buffy with fic-Buffy here. By that I mean, a lot of fics paint Buffy as super remorseful and ready to braid Faith's hair and paint her nails and profess her undying love for her and ditch everybody around her to do it as soon as Faith wakes up. But Buffy really can hold a grudge. I don't think she ever forgot about Faith in canon, but she certainly tried her hardest to do so and that showed with how much she seemed to consider Faith's reawakening as an inconvenience rather than an opportunity. So it's refreshing to see how you've done that here: Buffy's not falling all over herself to help Faith, but she recognizes that Faith does in fact need help, and she's really all Faith's got. 

The conversation between Buffy and the Scoobs is really telling in terms of how well you get these characters. Buffy is going to assume the worst from Willow, especially, but at her heart, Willow is the jealous type and that was always apparent when Buffy and Faith got closer. She isn't going to be angry (yet), she's going to be upset, and Buffy is of course a little blindsided to that. I like how Xander just needs time. I feel like of all of them, he's the most likely to come around. Even though Faith did hurt him, he's always had a soft spot for her and wanted so hard to believe he had a connection with her. Riley's opinion on the matter weighs less than sunlight for me, because he wasn't there and it's really not up to him to make any decisions regarding Faith. I'm curious to see how Tara responds to Faith as she gets stronger and no doubt gets included in future Scooby meetings/apocalypses. 

This is a really promising start to this story. I hope you're able to continue writing it because I want to know how all of this will shake out!

Name: Imrryr (Signed) · Date: 09/26/2013 03:17 PM · For: Chapter 2

Yay, Electra's writing (or more specificially, publishing) again!  Loved the awkward cafeteria scene by the way.  The dialogue felt natural and you have this great knack for getting into Buffy's head and writing her in a really convincing way.  I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!  So many possibilities!  c:

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 09/24/2013 10:39 AM · For: Chapter 2
Whew, I am so behind on my reviews. Forgive my lateness Wonder Woman.

I love that your Buffy is so invested in helping Faith. I can imagine Buffy sitting inside the hospital room, doing her homework, while Faith pretends to ignore her.

As always, having Joyce around makes me feel safe. Like everything is gonna work out. See! She is able to talk to Faith. Ah, the power of mothers. Darn Giles for not letting Faith stay at Buffy's place. I am having pervy thoughts about sleepovers and things. Oh... I forgot you plan for some angst. Le sigh.

"and secondly because there's still a lingering feeling in her gut that Faith might just use it to strangle her." ~ LoL. This made me snort.
"All Buffy needs to do is wake up with a tail or a horn..." ~ Ahem. This caught my attention. *squints at you*

How did Riley know about Faith? And why does he get to talk to Buffy in that tone? I get why the Scoobies are reacting like they do. Riley? I want to flush him down the drain. Cause... Just because. *Swishes tail*

It sucks to hate anyone. But I really dislike it when Willow goes on the defensive when it comes to Faith. Thank goodness for Tara.

I will try not to bite my nails while you work on your inspiration and motivation. I still wanna find out about the title *catches self from biting nails.*

Name: Dr Tan (Signed) · Date: 09/22/2013 05:17 AM · For: Chapter 2

Jerk face


this is amazing and I demand more. I forget how well you write Buffy. Second to none lady.

update soon or I'll punch you 

Author's Response:


Thank you.  I shall try to provide more at your behest.  Writing shall commence shortly.  Thanks dude :)

Name: Dylan (Signed) · Date: 09/20/2013 01:54 PM · For: Chapter 2

I loved this chapter. So good to see well written Scooby get togethers. You write them all so well, and I always adore your Anya comments. 

The Buffy-isms were spot-on. The tension just right. I like how Buffy is standing up for Faith yet not excusing her for the things that happened. Very much a more mature Buffy than is often depicted in fics (including my own take on Buffy ^^) 

I can't wait to read more. Your writing always seems effortless, it's clean and charming :) 

Also, forgot to mention last review, but the banner is gorgeous. Probably the best one you've done. Kudos :p

Write more please!!

Author's Response:

Thanks boo :)  I wasn't sure the Scooby meeting would go over well but I had to have it anyway.  Buffy needs to know who's on her team for this adventure, and so far it's looking like it's just her and the parentals.  :(  And don't congratulate Buffy's maturity quite yet.  I think she's going to have some real trials in store for her.  :p  And I'm glad you like the banner.  :)  Thanks for reviewing, schmoopy.  You're my favoritest schmoopy ever.  xxx

Name: SixPerfections (Signed) · Date: 09/18/2013 12:26 PM · For: Chapter 2

Your writing style is so compelling. And it's really nice to see Buffy in this story being Pro-Faith in her own way. You'd think we'd see more fics like this but I can't really think of too many like it even though it makes sense that she would be if they could stop Faith from going bonkers right after she wakes up.

I think its realistic and great to see that the adults are willing to give Faith a chance and all the younger poeple are not (I 'm not counting Riley in this). It makes sense and kinda reinforces somewhat that the scoobs are still young and in some ways still kids.

For sure enjoyed this a great deal and am looking forward to the next installment. Great job!

Author's Response:

Thanks, SP!  Buffy is definitely Pro-Faith in her own way.  She's not exactly wearing a cheerleader outfit and jumping around for joy, but . . . *slowly drifts off, lost in my thoughts*    . . . wait, where was I??  :p  But seriously, Buffy really wants to do right.  They fucked up their first time around, and that may or may not have been her fault.  This time, she definitely does NOT want it to be, not even partly.

I'm sure Buffy is praying the Scoobies will come around soon.  She's always needed them in her corner and this is really no different a siituation. 

Thanks so much for reading and for your review.  I do appreciate it greatly :)

Name: Dr Tan (Signed) · Date: 09/18/2013 09:20 AM · For: Chapter 1

Man! I effing love your writing! 


I love the fact that your Buffy isn't a jerk, and brought up the dream, I'm still annoyed that it was never addressed. I can't wait to continue reading this, really really excited. 

There is another chapter as well?  Yay. 


Favourite line is this one  - "Yes," Buffy explains. "Because that vice will be plenty versa." 


But you always did the comedy side well! 



Author's Response:

Tan!  You're here!  I was sending you brain signals.  I'm glad you got them.  :p

Oh, give Buffy time.  I'm sure she''ll be a jerk eventually.  Haha  :D  Thanks for reading, dude.  :)

Name: aliceinwonderbra (Signed) · Date: 09/17/2013 10:04 PM · For: Chapter 2

"So you're counting on her weakened state to keep her in line yet you plan on making her stronger through rigorous training so that she can pursue her vengeance?" Anya asks, more inquisitive than anything.

Lol! Oh, Anya! Always making with the unintentional funny. :D

I know their jerkiness is realistic for the Scoobs, but I still kind of hate them. Faith's awake now, so what do they propose happen? Turn her over to the council? They must know that's a horrible idea. We're talking about the people that put slayers through life or death tests, and fired Giles for helping save Buffy's life. See if I forgive you when you go crazy, Willow the great jerk!

As you might expect, I also hate Riley. He wasn't even around when Faith was awake, so he should shut his pie hole and trust Buffy to know what she's doing.

I'll admit though, having no contingency plan sounds kind of stupid. I mean, not to me, because I know it's gonna work out and they're gonna ride off into the sunset together (RIGHT??). But to the Scoobs, it must seem crazy.

I love Tara, in her one speaking line, she just gets right to my heart. She'll talk to Willow for Buffy, because she cares about their friendship, even though she must have just met Buffy. Tara is so wonderful and sweet. More Tara I say! Also, more Faith! Looking forward to awkward B/F interactions coming our way. Also I give you kudos for recognizing that Faith would require recovery time, even if she is a slayer. :) More! Mooooooooore!

Author's Response:

Anya always had such great one-liners in the show!  It's fun to write her because I can just let her say the things everyone is thinking but afraid to verbalize.  :p

I think they're all justly worried, but like you said, what else can they do?  They help her, they turn her in, or they shun her and make her go cuckoo again.  The answer seems pretty obvious to me!

There will be more Tara, since she's such a great neutral person.  She's very sympathetic, and I think Buffy needs that, even if she barely knows the girl.  Buffy will take anyone on her side at this point!  lol  PLus, I like when Tara is friends with people Willow is not.  Is that because Willow make me bitter? Perhaps.  Haha.

Plenty more to come, including lots of Fuffy fun.  Thanks for reading!  :)

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 09/17/2013 08:01 PM · For: Chapter 2

Everyone's reactions are to be expected.  It's very realistic that Willow would be the one to take it the hardest that Buffy wants to help Faith.  Maybe it's a best friend thing.  Love that Buffy pointed out that maybe they didn't give her a proper chance the first time around.

I like how everything is being planned out and that they need to take turns watching Faith.  The fact they feel the need to watch over Faith just in case is very believable.

Great chapter! :)

Author's Response:

I agree, I definitely think it's a best friend thing!  Willow's not exactly angry or mad; she's just hurt and confused.  Plus, she's not the most confident person, so I'm sure she might even feel that their friendship is threatened.  Silly Willow; Buffy will always be her bestie!


Thanks for reading, Hayley.  More to come soon :)

Name: Anon (Anonymous) · Date: 09/14/2013 12:54 PM · For: Chapter 1

A season four fic eh? awesome I like them. Good first chapter, I hope it will be updated regurarly if possible. XD

Author's Response:

I'm happy you're fond of season four fics, anon.  I am too!  So much canon to mess around with.  :D  I'm aiming for weekly updates, so long as life doesn't get too complicated.  Thanks for reading!!  :)

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 09/12/2013 06:21 AM · For: Chapter 1
Is Faith going to be a Wolf? Cause that moon, and those eyes. I like your banner :) Faith has beautiful eyes.

The Wonderbrat is kinda persuasive, huh? Did she stick a knife to your knees? You could have kicked her. She's tiny. Or maybe lifted her by her hair. But then if you did that we wouldn't be blessed with this new story. And my imagination just went off-tangent again. Sorry.

Buffy visiting Faith. At last something that sounded humane. I know they had lives, as you've clearly mentioned here. But in canon, no one really mentioned that they visited Faith while she was in the coma. To me, that's just too harsh.

I love that Buffy involved Giles and her mom. Can't imagine her taking on this responsibility by herself, or in secret. I foresee Xander drama, Willow drama, and Riley drama (barf). Don't want Buffy to be without support.

I am scared about how Faith is gonna be for the next couple of chapters. Is she gonna be volatile? Probably. Gotta build up the angst after all. I will have a heart problem by the time you and the Brat finish you fics.

I so love that you are back E!!! Let's do Zumba to celebrate *trips on my shoelaces...

Author's Response:

Tis an ominous banner, no?  Haha.  I can't answer your questions just yet, Topak.  I must leave some mystery about the story, though I'm sure Alice will tell you about it if you ask nicely. She did not knife my knees; she did, however, threaten to cut off my hair and glue it to my face though.  Okay, maybe she didn't, but I'm sure she was thinking it.  ;)  I'm glad you like the banner though!  :)

Yeah, Faith kind of got the short end of the stick as far as people caring for her went.  Of course I have to try to fix that here!  I figure giving Buffy a team of committed helpers here would make the situation more likely to work.  Besides, who doesn't love Joyce??  lol

I'll try not to hurt your heart too much, dear Topak.  The Zumba should help with that, because cardio is all kinds of awesome.  I'll buy you shoes without laces :)

Name: Azirahael (Signed) · Date: 09/10/2013 09:23 PM · For: Chapter 1

Good start.


Nice to see everyone front up.


I look forward to seeing where this goes  :)



Author's Response:

Thanks Azirahael!  Hope the coming chapters don't disappoint.  Thank you for taking the time to send along your thoughts!  :)

Name: riterevrenzee (Signed) · Date: 09/10/2013 07:45 PM · For: Chapter 1

So glad to see a new fic by the GREAT ELECTRA!!! (that was all surround sound with echos) Seriously it will be Interesting to see how this plays out and all the bad decisions Faith might make. I look forward to updates. Now Im off to send cookies to Aliceinwonderbra for getting you to write fuffy again.

Author's Response:

Aw shucks, riterevrenzee!  You know how to make a girl blush, especially with the echoes and all!  :)  I'm happy to have you along for the ride.  Hopefully updates will be fairly regular.  Thanks for your feedback, and for Alice's cookies.  She's a real cookie-fiend!  :P

Name: Dylan (Signed) · Date: 09/10/2013 04:17 PM · For: Chapter 1

Awesome start!! So glad I gently pushed you towards choosing this idea to go with for a fresh start *grin* Can't wait for it to unfold. You know how much I adore your writing and this fic promises to deliver all that wonderful Electra goodness. As always your Buffy voice is spot on, and the little touch with the lotion, etc, was pretty damn inspired - it's something so simple yet intimate. 

I know ish where this fic is headed and I'm eager for more. Love that you're writing again. Grats for leaving me panting for more Fuffy even though I'm not exactly into them anymore. But then you do have a knack of leaving me panting in general ;)

Keep it coming x

Author's Response:

Thank you, boo!  And thank you for listening to me brainstorm and talking me through my ideas.  (And for pushing me toward this idea when I gave you a handful to choose from).  I'm hoping it'll be an entertaining read.  :)

Now, get back to writing your story so I can have more to fangirl over :)

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