The Chosen Two Archive
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Members: 1539
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: evesock


Reviews For


Name: Alyelehyoo (Anonymous) · Date: 05/11/2021 03:30 PM · For: Chapter 1

Oh wow this is devastating but so freaking tender at the same time. Faith and her willingness to flow Buffy anywhere wrecks me every time. I hope they find Dawn and somehow are able to turn back time or save everyone >.< although I know that's a low possibility. Thank you for sharing this fic with us!

Author's Response:

Thank you!!

Name: 0mni (Anonymous) · Date: 05/14/2017 03:38 AM · For: Chapter 1

I loved this piece. I always like reading post-apocalyptic Fuffy concept fics. I like seeing them in situations where they must depend on each other to survive.

This fic really highlights Faith's devotion to Buffy. Buffy gets by on hopes that the leads they have will help them eventually find Dawn, while Faith gets by on Buffy's love, even if they're just scraps or mere phantoms of the type of romantic love she wishes Buffy would impart upon her.

I always thought Faith had so much of her heart and loyalty to give to Buffy and her gang, but in the canon, they never cut Faith enough slack to prove herself :'(

Author's Response:

Thank you! And I agree about Faith! Once you earn her loyalty, it's for keeps. Look at the lengths she was willing to go to for Angel when he needed her. I do think Buffy loves Faith, in this fic, as much as she's capable. Sometimes it's scraps, but someday it may be more, when she runs out of ways to avoid Dawn's death. Even in the apocalypse, we can be optimistic!

Name: Elphaba (Signed) · Date: 09/01/2014 06:35 PM · For: Chapter 1



Awwww... :(

Author's Response:

*hands you a tissue*

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 08/28/2014 01:55 PM · For: Chapter 1

This was sad yet comforting at the same time. It's one of those stories where it's easy to see how much they need each other.

Really enjoyed reading this one! :)

Author's Response:

Thanks, ma'am! More upbeat things are on the way. 

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 08/24/2014 10:36 PM · For: Chapter 1
Hey, I was reluctant to read because you warned me about the angst. You know my love-hate relationship with it.

Dawn died and apocalypse ensues. I didn't expect a nuclear explosion (who nuked them?). That was surprising. The nuke and them living underground reminded me of the Benicio Del toro vampire trilogy.

I felt really sad for B&F. Your writing made everything sound so depressing and haunting. Who knows if they'll find a happy ending. Maybe not. Can I ask you and bother you? You can lie and say they're gonna find a fairy in the end and all will be well.

Seriously though, in spite of the darkness that is surrounding them, there is still a bit of hope left in me because... fuffy! All is not lost when our slayers are clinging together.

I didn't expect to feel good after reading a very bleak story but I really did love this. You win at writing post-apocalypse stories.

Author's Response:

You told me not to tell you where the bombs came from, so I'll leave it up to your interpretation. :) I haven't read the books you mentioned. I guess after Buffy, I don't like how anyone else does vamps, haha. 

I won't lie and say they'll have a happy ending, but Buffy would have eventually come to terms with things and tried to pick up the pieces. 

Thank you! Where is my prize for winning? :)

Name: SilentlySlaying (Signed) · Date: 08/24/2014 01:48 PM · For: Chapter 1

For a second I was all impressed that you'd started another story already. Then I realised it was the world's tiniest one-shot and now the, err, impressed-ness is gone. Tsk.

Not much to say other than that I liked the concept and if you did carry on with it I could probably force myself to read it. :p

Also, they need a dog. Will Smith got to have a dog.

Author's Response:

Be impressed again! I'm hard at work on my other fic, it's just that it's long and I want it to be done before I start posting! *waits for pats on the back*

I gave them a dog in that OTHER apocalypse fic we shan't talk about because you'll get all demanding. Anyway, you know what happened to Will Smith's dog. Do you really want to see that happen?? >:)

Name: riterevrenzee (Signed) · Date: 08/21/2014 03:30 AM · For: Chapter 1

I just love your post apocalyptic angst writing.  This was sweet, bittersweet but sweet. You take the smallest details like the fact that in a post apocalyptic world Buffy wouldn't be able to or focused on keeping her hair blonde, this gives the characters depth and makes the story that much more realistic. And that last line "happily ever after has never been in her cards, but following Buffy to the ends of the earth, that's close enough." A perfect end to this lovely little ficlet, lovely for its brevity yet fully painting a picture of holding on to the smallest bit of light, and humanity.  Write another one okay. Please with cherries and whipped cream. Maybe sweet isn't the word some would use to describe this story but there was this feeling underneath the destruction and death and grind of surviving, of Faith following and being there for a broken Buffy that felt right hence the term sweet. 

Author's Response:

Another one of these? Haha. But I have other fics to do! :p I just might get to the Omega sequel sometime in your life time, so I hope that'll meet your apocalypsey needs.

Thank you, very glad you liked it. :) I know what you mean by sweet. I love the idea of Faith as Buffy's rock too. 

Name: SantoNaranja (Signed) · Date: 08/19/2014 05:37 PM · For: Chapter 1

When I saw the banner I didn't really know what expect but as soon as I read this I got all sorts of dystopian-fuffy feelings. The nuclear attack, their relationship, their mentality; everything hit just the right note and by the end I was both sad that it was all apocalypse-y but also delighted that I'd read it. And then I read it again :P 

This was fantastic overall, from beginning to end and it got me wondering; would you ever think of writing a whole extended fic in this sort of verse? Maybe a two or three parter? 


Author's Response:

Thank you. I most likely won't be back to this fic. Too much else to complete. 

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 08/19/2014 06:30 AM · For: Chapter 1

So I meant to review this last night, but I fell asleep first, and now I'm kinda glad I did, because it put a little more distance between "Ashes" and "Shot in the Dark." As I said there, and as I'm sure I'll say again the next time you post a new story. 

I love this. So much. 

Your writing never ceases to amaze me. You put so much into so few words. I know this is just a ficlet, a huge idea in a small package, but it packs a punch, and speaks to a lot of larger themes that its 1300 words would have you believe. I could see everything so clearly. Even Buffy's hope that she could save Dawn, that they'll find her and end all of these huge things, was a tangible presence.

It gets tossed around a lot, the idea of Buffy losing and a Big Bad really, truly taking over the world. I rarely see it done so effectively as this, mainly because you brought the real world into it. They don't live in a vacuum. This world they're always trying to save is full of real people, just trying to live their lives, but it also contains a government that isn't just going to allow an invasion of any kind to go on without intervention. Is bombing most of the west coast, with millions of people still living there, the way to do it? Apparently not, because the demons keep coming. But only Buffy and Faith and a handful of others would know that.

And that's what really makes this story click for me: even after the world they know is gone, due to demons, due to bombs from their own government, Buffy and Faith push on, fueled by each other and the only truth they've really ever known as Slayers: save the day. 

Whatever that means anymore. 

Author's Response:

You are like a master reviewer. I need to learn your secrets. Every time I review something I'm like uhhhh words, how do they work?

You somehow took my super depressing fic and made it seem even more depressing with the 'save the day. Whatever that means anymore,' line. But it's true. There's nothing they can really save anymore. All Buffy has is this idea of her sister--and I'm not sure if it was clear from this abbreivated fic, but it was meant to convey that essentially Dawn is dead, it's merely the last few drops of blood in her body that they've magically put in stasis--and of finding her so that she can have a proper death/burial. In reality, she still had Willow and Giles and she could have kept that family alive, but she's too haunted by failing Dawn to see that. Then you have Faith, who really had nothing to begin with, but this broken down Buffy is the only thing there is to cling to, so she follows her lead even though she might have wanted to stay somewhere and try for a better life. If this had been longer, they would have had a more uplifting ending, and Buffy could have eventually started to come around, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.

It's interesting your found the real people to be engaging, because you only saw very little of them. :p I was debating whether the US govt is nuking our own cities now or whether it's the other countries. I think it could go either way. The rest of the world would see dragons start flying over their head and be like GOD DAMN IT USA, WTF ARE YOU DOING NOW? And see if bombing us into the Stone Age would work. Of course it wouldn't, and I'd bet there are lots of demons that would thrive on nuclear energy (yes, I have watched Godzilla, why do you ask??). I kind of loved the idea of mankind throwing every weapon they could at these demons and the demons only getting stronger and stronger. Basically destroying the planet for nothing. The Buffy and Faith would put on some gas masks and walk through the dead country having no reason to live anymore except that neither of them wants to give up on the other. FEEEEEEEELINGS, talking 'bout FEEEEEEEELINGS.

I see that I've rambled on long enough, so I'll just say thank you. You're lovely and awesome and I will write all the things just to get your reviews because they are lovely and awesome too! Much appreciated!! :D

Name: Pepsigirl (Anonymous) · Date: 08/18/2014 01:51 PM · For: Chapter 1

Gah!!! This would be such an awesome story! If you ever decide to continue it, I am so game for reading it! I always enjoy your stories. Can't wait to see what else you come up with :)

Author's Response:

Thank you!! :) I probably won't pick it back up because I have so many others in my queue, but you never know. :) 

Name: declan4 (Signed) · Date: 08/18/2014 08:59 AM · For: Chapter 1

I usually steer well clear of pure angst fics, but for some reason I'm really intrigued by Post-apocalyptic scenario's and their aftermaths.

S5 and Glory is the prime one I feel, because technically, although Glory lost, so did Buffy, and she was never truly the same after.


This was good, depressing but good.

You sum up the grim hopelessness of the 'brave new world' quite eloquently, but also don't leave out the closeness that can come from clinging onto those few relationships left.

Ever cloud, as they say, no matter how dark...

And Buffy is Faith's silver lining. Aw.

There's always room for snuggles, no matter how grim. :)

Thanks for sharing.


Author's Response:

I don't know that Faith is really Buffy's silver lining, to add to the grimness haha. But you're certainly right about her being Faith's. Originally the plan for this fic was to follow them for a while, so it wouldn't have been pure angst. There was an uplifting moment or two. The writing goddesses didn't cooperate with me though. :p 

Apocalypse fics are so my jam (obviously heh) so I was really disappointed this one didn't work out for me. I like angst that makes sense as opposed to angst for the sake of angst. Fluff is one of my least favorites because I feel like the angst makes the fluff more satisfying. :p 

Thanks for reading!! :)

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 08/18/2014 03:21 AM · For: Chapter 1
this was excellent! would be really great if it was more then a one shot? but thats okay. loved reading this. and congrats on one year! thank you!!!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you! :) It was planned to follow them through a few years, but it just wasn't flowing like I wanted it too, and then the plot bunny for Shot in the Dark bit... I probably won't pick it back up, but I didn't want it to languish unfinished. :) thank you for reading and reviewing! Glad you liked it!!

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