The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

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Members: 1539
Series: 20
Stories: 290
Chapters: 1551
Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
Reviewers: 156
Newest Member: evesock


Reviews For Winning

Name: 0mniessence (Signed) · Date: 06/21/2017 08:35 PM · For: Winning

angsty but soooooooo cute

Name: Faddedshadow (Anonymous) · Date: 12/04/2014 10:59 PM · For: Winning

Well done bud!  Deep and emotionally thought provoking so I enjoyed it very much.  Now I just have to get to reading the long one :)

Name: SixteenThirty (Signed) · Date: 10/23/2014 05:05 PM · For: Winning

Loved the tenacity of Faith in this story. She had a goal, held on and went for it with no appologies.

You're so right when Faith called Buffy out as a bully. I nodded emphatically at my phone as I read that bit. Faith shouldn't have to put up with any of the Scooby crap anymore.

Really liked the resolution, after everything was said and done she and Buffy still had each other.



Author's Response:

Thanks for the review!

I enjoy writing Faith with goals in mind. Both the series and the comics show that once Faith's motivated, she's nearly unstoppable - Angel Season 4 comes to mind.  I merely provided some motivation and let the writing flow.

I think that stories often gloss over the glaring character flaws that both Buffy and Faith possess. Here, I touch base with Faith's dangerous lack of morals and limits, and Buffy's overwhelming need to control other poeple in her life. Buffy represents the antithesis of Faith's criminal tendencies - The Batwoman to Faith's Catwoman, if you will. Faith represents the first (and only?) character that Buffy could never truly control.

Naturally, the fact that the charcter flaws come from the same deep-seated fear of being alone and wanting to be loved is deliciously ironic. I feel that this is the true draw to the Buffy-Faith pairing: That two damaged people can heal each other and complete each other in spite of - or perhaps because of - their damage.

We'll see what else I can come up with!


Name: Bane (Anonymous) · Date: 10/20/2014 06:36 PM · For: Winning
Nice! Glad to see a story with Faith standing up for herself instead of trying to repent for the past. That's a very interesting and new take on what could have happened that we'll hopefully see more of.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Bane!

Yeah, I like a proactive Faith. One does not become a saint by apologizing for not being a saint; one becomes a saint by acting like a saint. 'Nuff said.

I see that there's some serious call for more of this. Well, off brainstorming I go! Mwa ha ha!


Name: Anon (Anonymous) · Date: 10/10/2014 08:49 PM · For: Winning

Very good story but remember, Faith was extremely guilty about her actions, she even tried to get Angel to kill her because of it, so its fair to say she does have nightmares over her actions. Definitely continue this if you can. 

A few critiques though, one, I found that Buffy was a bit too sadistic i.e smiling at the thought of getting watchers to take Faith away (and likely kill her) and taunting her about the stabbing, I know buffy is angry but that wouldn't make her that dark, she felt immense guilt over the stabbing incident (though I know she taunted Richard about it but that was to goad him into the school) The second is the whole rape thing, while it may true of Riley, of Buffy it was not because Buffy's mind and soul was elsewhere, so Faith having sex with Riley was not raping Buffy because despite the body, it was not buffy in any sense whatsoever. I suppose simply stealing her body could be considered some form of rape and then I do indeed agree with you. Thirdly, Buffy being a better fighter is not entirely true, what wins the fights between them was the personality differences and their emotions, Faith was mentally unstable, fought impulsively, overly aggressively and lacked stategy but her height and larger frame gave her reach and strength over Buffy.

I didn't agree on the whole "never see eachnother again until an apocalypse" thing because its too fast to decide conditions, they should not have reconciled in this story, instead agreeing on a truce not to interefere in each other's lives but Faith later (in the sequel) going to sunnydale to help fight glory and reconcile with buffy then. Of course this  is just my personal view. Like I said, very good story, I liked it but I had to be honest in my review.

Author's Response:

Hey Anon, sign your reviews!

I see you have a strong opinion of both Buffy's and Faith's character, but let's face it: If I wanted to portray canon characters, I wouldn't have written this, would I?

Glad you enjoyed it, and glad I got you thinking.


Name: LaShonda (Anonymous) · Date: 10/10/2014 03:21 PM · For: Winning

i loved that Faith stood up for herself... Had a clear direction and a constitution to go for it no matter what. I think this should be the start to something more... My mouth was watering at the end and my brain begged for a chapter two to see how things progress now that some level of amends is starting to be made at least emotionally. Please please please make this the kick ass series I'm sure you can. You're one of my favorite new Buffy n Faith fanfic writers.

Author's Response:

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it!

I'll see what I can cook up. If enough ideas flow, then this could turn into a series of one shots.


Name: declan4 (Signed) · Date: 10/05/2014 04:49 AM · For: Winning

Very well written. :)


This was an interesting take on Faith's character, and I can certainly see the sense in not spending your best slaying years in jail when you can be out hurting people...but honestly I felt not enough time had gone by for Faith to gain that sort of perspective from her actions.

In 'Sanctuary' she was so broken, so guilt-ridden when it came for Buffy that she went to jail for her. (You're right that Angel never wanted it.)

However, I guess you could see the Rocky speech as an 'Epiphany moment' which turns her life around when Faith is at her low point, just like Angel had one.

I very much liked the ending though, the angry confrontation, the brutal fight, and the tearful reconciliation.

Buffy getting past her anger (and her hurt pride- she's very prideful) to start to try and forgive Faith, to let that anger go, was untimately pretty healthy. :)

I always thought that Buffy was so angry at Faith not just because of what she did, but because of who she was, that deep down she meant something to Buffy, and that's where a lot of the pain came from. So it was good to see that acknowledged.

Again, truly original stuff. :)

Author's Response:

Thanks! Hearing 'very well written' from you is high praise, indeed!

I guess my take on Faith was that she was completely broken in Sanctuary. She would have followed Angel slavishly, having no will of her own. Since Buffy interfered, she submitted to her instead. Now, a few months of solid meals and routine left her slightly better off. Then comes this guy on the TV with an accent just as east coast as hers, and the words she hears calls her out on her BS. Because past the guilt and shame, Faith has always had pride (and ego). The way she deals with her guilt should be her decisions, not the decisions of others.

In the end, Faith walked away with two points from Rocky: That she had to create her own happiness rather than wait for it to be awarded her; and that being in jail was a dumb idea.

At least, that was what went through my head while I was writing it. ;)

I went over the confrontation with Buffy something like fifty times, trying to make it sound organic and the emotions real. I must have watched Sanctuary and Graduation Day 1 a half-dozen times each. It pleases me immensely that you enjoyed it.

And finally, yes: Buffy and Faith had a chemistry that was palpable. They were Achilles and Hector from the Illiad. Wear down their masks enough, and it shines through.


Name: Abd (Anonymous) · Date: 10/05/2014 04:35 AM · For: Winning
This is different and interesting. Planning on posting more?

Author's Response:

Of course!

...Just later, probably, after I finish my other story.

Unless the inspiration hits me. You never know.


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