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Members: 1539
Series: 20
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Word count: 7910064
Authors: 59
Reviews: 2554
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Banner for fuffy fanfic The Girl from Away

The Girl from Away

Name: bobina (Signed) · Date: 05/07/2014 10:31 PM · For: Chapter 3

Okay, I was going to wait until I was completely caught up to the most recent chapter to leave you my thoughts, but this chapter just about killed me. 

First of all, I love the fact that you're writing both Buffys' ordeals in the alternate dimensions. This story adds so many new layers to Flowers For A Ghost that I didn't even know could exist. I especially love that in both universes, Buffy is drawn to Tara. It makes perfect sense, not only because of Tara's sweet and even-keeled disposition, but because in both worlds she was an outsider to everything that happened between Faith and Buffy. Buffy needs that kind of neutral support that Willow and Xander can't give her. 

I love the way you've written Willow so far in this story. She is every bit as stubborn and arrogant as she was in season six of the series here. The debate/argument/fight/whatever you want to call it between Willow and Giles (and ultimately Willow and everybody) about using the Resurrection spell to switch the two Buffys back to their home dimensions was phenomenal. 

Another thing I absolutely love is that every parallel has consequences in this story. Angel never returning from hell damaged Buffy in a truly permanent way. She didn't get over that quickly, or ever, really, so finding out he's alive again and getting to see him is mind-blowing for her. On top of that, if Angel never returned in Buffy's world, who would be in LA to save Cordelia from so many demons? No one. God, that gives me chills. Take all of that, and you've written a compelling, fresh take on dimension-hopping in the Buffyverse akin to "The Wish." Add to it the fact that in Buffy's world, she killed Allan Finch? Holy hell, woman. Mind. Blown. 

This series is quickly rising to to the top of my favorite BtVS fics. You're an incredible storyteller. I'd better get back to reading! 

Author's Response:

I say again, you are my fave. :) I was thinking about what you said about Willow and Xander vs. Faith. I utilized Xander a teeny bit in Flowers but realized he's almost absent here. Xander and Willow aren't high on my list of favorite characters, but I usually include Willow, funny how I sort of unintentionally leave Xander to the wayside. I guess I just don't know what to do with him. I think in Flowers, Willow was really supportive to Buffy, but she couldn't help feeling like these weren't HER people, no matter how great they were. She wanted to go to Tara both because she missed her presence and knew it would feel more like home with her there, but also for Tara herself because she knew she wouldn't be in a good place. The Buffy/Tara relationship in Girl is really interesting, because it could easily have worked that Tara was the least close to her, since she hasn't met her before and Buffy's trying to make it work with these people as her de facto family. Plus Tara is the other half to Willow, who is sort of a villain in this fic. She's not THE villain, but she is definitely one of the least supportive people to Buffy. It's Tara's kindness and fairness that draws them together, but it also helps that Dawn needs Tara and that Willow goes a bit off the rails, leaving a BFF void in Buffy's life. 

Glad you liked not quite evil Willow! Obviously here she lacks the catalyst of Tara's death, but I think instead, Buffy becomes the catalyst. She can't accept this Buffy who doesn't share her ideas on Faith. Plus I think AltBuffy is much more grounded and able to notice things than canon Buffy would have been. She's not used to relying on magic; she's used to having two slayers getting shit done. That kind of mentality chafes at Willow, because she's very much in to being the Big Gun by now. 

The Buffy killed Allen Finch reveal was initially going to be in Flowers, in a pretty cool (if I do say so myself) scene. Buffy was going to google Finch, anticipating that she'd find him alive and well, learn that he was dead, and flip her shit all over Faith about how she's just like the other Faith, still a killer, Buffy can't believe she was starting to trust her, etc etc. And then she'd learn that it was AltBuffy who accidentally killed him and be properly ashamed. But I figured I needed to save something big for this fic. :p I love this review though because it reminded me that I should put more of those little moments in this fic before it wraps up. They were fun to write. :D

Thank you, thank you for the awesome review. I love how much you thought about it!! Sorry I am slowly working my way through replies. :) Will try to finish this weekend. 

Name: riterevrenzee (Signed) · Date: 04/23/2014 01:22 PM · For: Chapter 12
Whew! I was so happy to see this chapter I might have cursed in delight. Something like " holy shit an update!" Anyway, I was worried that Faith and Willow would equal betrayal, unhappy judging and angst all around, instead there was some understanding, communication and resolution of the problem at hand- did Willow hurt Tara?- Nope she didn't. And Faith's reaction/flashback didn't prevent her and Buffy from getting on with the loving. " Because Genesis didn't tell you that on the eighth day God made the demons and worlds upon worlds stacked against this one." those lines really made sense for me ,to seeing Faiths cynicism/hardassness in a different way. I dunno why. Anyway I will keep checking and waiting on updates. I waited for years on a completion to a fic called "Walk The Line" and my patience was rewarded, so I can wait, and wait and wait. Really, I can.

Author's Response:

Lol. I will not make you wait nearly as long as Electra did! That's a promise I think I can keep. :p I do much appreciate your patience and willingness to come back for updates. And your kind words of course! Flowers had the confusion and fighting. I figure these two have a modicum more maturity and can get their shit together. :) I was writing the sex scene in this chapter thinking, why I am putting religious imagery in? But I liked it for some strange reason, and I'm glad you did too! I hope you won't wait nearly as long for the next chapter. I am actively working on it, I swear. There are 2 or 3 left now, and then I will finish my next fic before posting. I hate dragging people along. This was an experiment with my self discipline and clearly I am lacking. :p

Name: MickTrex (Signed) · Date: 04/20/2014 04:47 PM · For: Chapter 12

If I had to wonder why I missed your writing I got the answer from this update. I didn't even need to do a re-read to catch up with what was going on, it all came back to me as I worked my way through.

There are some really nice moments in this, I especially like Buffy telling Faith things she knows about her from the other Faith and how her reaction clarifies they are the same person at the root.

The sex scene was sudden and unexpected but get this - I didn't hate it! I've told you before how some erotic scenes can make me cringe and skim ahead but I read every word of this and it rode a perfect line between sexy and poignant. I particularly like the lines about what God didn't mention and the metaphor with snowflakes. Quite the poet you are.

I look forward to another, hopefully hastier, update. 

Author's Response:

Hopefully hastier indeed! I was working on the chapter last night. Usually when I know I'm close to the end, I'll write a bit faster. Hopefully that happens here. There are only a few chapters left. 

It's funny you should say that about the sex scene. I wasn't really feeling like writing one, so I went with a much less graphic version. People seemed to like it anyway, so I may do more in this style--similar to this one or maybe toned down even more like Debridement. My next fic is half way done and already has a sex scene though. :p so maybe my next next fic will have another scene you read. :p

Thank you as always for coming back even after long hiatus and reviewing. :)

Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 04/16/2014 03:11 AM · For: Chapter 12
soooo happy to see an up-date! love your writing. i liked the conversation between faith and willow, hopefully it will start to build a bridge between them. glad that buffy understands faith and had no problems telling her how she feels! (and in english, not buffy speak!). cannot wait to see what willow is going to do to amy, you don't mess with the witches girl! and yes willow would stomp, fillet, and twist anyone that isn't tara when shes dark willow!

Author's Response:

I think Amy will be seeing the error of her ways very soon. ;) Thanks for coming back even though I left you hanging quite a while!! I'll try not to take forever and a day with the next chapter. 

Name: Cas45 (Anonymous) · Date: 04/15/2014 11:47 PM · For: Chapter 12

This was well worth the wait, but please don't feel obligated to take that much time between chapters again.  I really appreciate the way you write the lead characters. It feels like this other world Buffy could be cannon if her dimension was written into the actual Buffy-verse. 

Looking forward to to the rest of this story, and any new ones you have planned. 

Author's Response:

I will do my utmost to get this chapter out before Fourth of July. :p 

Thank you, Cas! What a great compliment. :) Much appreciated. I wanted her to feel like the Buffy that might have been if things were different, so I'm happy if she comes across that way!! 

Name: Hayley (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 09:34 PM · For: Chapter 12

Yay for a new chapter! And it was definitely worth the weight!

First, great interaction between Willow and Faith about being judged on their pasts. It felt like a conversation that needed to happen with them in order for there to be any common ground.

I love Buffy's concern for Faith throughout the chapter. It's really what Faith needed especially once the clothes started to come off. Really liked how Buffy knew exactly what Faith needed to hear from her.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

That Buffy is pretty great, eh? :) Unlike say... Willow. D: Am I detecting some Willow positivity from you, Hayley? Willow hate is a must for all readers of this fic. We must be united in our detest for her! :)

Buffy does say the right thing, but I think Faith's also matured in her time in prison. She can hear and accept love from other people with much more ease than she ever did before. So it's easier for all involved. :)

Name: Bruteaous (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 05:29 PM · For: Chapter 12

Finally! I thought you'd died. XD Glad to have you back with us and writing Fuffy again. Liked this chapter and of course that Buffy and Faith do finally get the nasty going on. 

Looking forward to seeing what happens with Amy and of course how everything turns out for Buffy and Faith. Awesome writing. Update again before the moon goes blue from cold would you please? XD

Author's Response:

I did die. Then I spent three months in Heaven and now I'm back. Cut a girl some slack. :p

I will certainly try not to take so long until the next chapter. There are only a couple more to put this one to bed, so I want to get them out sooner rather than later. Feel free to kick me if I'm lagging. :D

Name: SilentlySlaying (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 12:38 PM · For: Chapter 12

I mostly remembered what had happened so far, apart from why Faith was sneaking off with Willow when there was almost certainly a perfectly good Buffy around there somewhere, but at the first mention of Tara it all came back in a big "Ohhhh yeah" moment. Kinda scary that it's been five months though.

I was right about Willing being innocent. Woo! That wasn't quite the Buffy/Faith reunion I was expecting though, but it was one worth reading. And well written, as usual - a lot of sex and even just general romance scenes end up sounding like the two people are floating in a vacuum and everything is perfect, but I think the sort of scenery description you mixed in helps it feel less artificial. I just hope they put some clothes on before walking upstairs - I'm sure Dawn doesn't need or want to see all of that. :p

It didn't sound like Willow was actually trying to help the two of them, but it seems like she ended up doing so a little anyway. Also, when she said she loved Buffy, I bet she was mentally adding, "The other one." Yes, I still don't like her, even if she isn't currently completely evil. Maybe she'll grow on me by the end if she does warm to Faith.

Overall: well written, with a slight lack of Marcie, and I did notice a few small mistakes; I thought you'd have had plenty of time to proofread (Don't glare; somebody was going to say it eventually. Probably). 0:)

Author's Response:

I know! But I was busy with umm... stuff. Yes very busy stuff. Just take my word for it. :D

Lol I didn't even think about them walking upstairs naked!! Oopsie. You caught me there. Willow was most def not trying to help. That one kind of backfired on her. I think she underestimates (I wanted to say misunderestimates, TM GW Bush) Buffy in a lot of ways, and this is just the latest. She probably won't grow on you. She's not growing on me either! :p I'll give you some Marcie coming up. I actually have a beta, so blame all mistakes on her (cue beta running away because I am an a-hole). I actually loathe re-reading after I finally finish, so I accept some of the blame. :p

Name: Electra (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 10:59 AM · For: Chapter 12

Okay.  I was wary.  I was super wary.  This business with Willow is bad news, BUT . . . I kind of think Faith was the person that needed to be there with her.  Everyone else is too close.  And hey, if it moves Faith up the list of people Willow trusts?  Can only be seen as good in my eyes!

Of course you'll probably totally mess with my head now, but I'm prepared.  Haha :p

The phonecall between Buffy and Faith tugged at my heartstrings because I could just feel how worried Buffy was for Faith.  Feelings that strong are born out of love.  And that, as you can probably guess, gets me all twitterpated every time.  :D

The Fuffy was amazing, as per usual.  You've never let me down during their intimate moments, whether those moments are physical or emotional.  And that last scene was both, and it was beautiful and perfect.

Don't make me wait five months, Alice.  It's cruel and unusual, and I am VERY unattractive when I cry.  :p

Author's Response:

Well now that you threatened me with ugly crying, I will get right to work on the chapter. :p 

The Willow/Faith scenes took a long time to write due to my Willow hate, but I thought it was good for Faith to interact with someone else not Buffy. I don't know that anyone else would have left with Willow, even Xander, because he did trust her, but he also wouldn't want to go against the plan I think. He let Buffy be in charge girl. 

I don't know what twitterpated means, but I'm happy to do it to you! :p I actually ended up liking the sex scene quite a bit too. Perhaps I shall stick with this less graphic way of doing my sex scenes now. After the other story you've been reading. The very next chapter has the special times. :p

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 10:13 AM · For: Chapter 12
Yay!!! Welcome back. I'm really happy you've finished this chapter. I thought I needed to fly to your home and tie you in front of the laptop. *Phew. Saved money!

After reading only a few paragraphs, I'm again reminded of how well you write. The sentences flow nicely into each other. I loved the smooth transition between paragraphs. You did write with sufficient details! I can still picture the characters, the cabin, Faith opening the canned food, the basement, the washer... and the sex. Hahaha!

Willow and Faith alone in that cabin!!! I loved this part the most---
“That was a long time ago,” Willow answers, containing her wince.
“So was high school,” Faith says.

I'm glad that Faith stood up to Buffy. And that she was smart enough not to argue with her over the phone. I liked how she handled her conversations with both Willow and Buffy. Shows that she's matured, is not so impulsive in her reactions.

I'm liking how everything that's happened in this chapter. Willow not coming home with Faith was unexpected. I thought she'd come home, given Tara's back to her old self.

Buffy and Faith having sex at dawn, in the basement, on a washer... Unexpected. But so believable. This two were ready to pop. You should have turned on that washer. :P

Author's Response:

Haha. Jeez, threats even when I post, huh? Mean little devil. 

I didn't turn on the washer because it was supposed to be a sweet scene, in spite of the use of props. :p I think Alt B is a good influence on Faith, plus she's had her time in prison. Season 7 Faith did have a better head on her shoulders, and without Buffy flying off the handle, she's able to keep it that way. :) 

It's funny that you like the Faith/Willow scenes. They were hard for me to write because I really dislike Willow. :p But at least they came across well. Now are you going to fly over to get Chapter 13 done?? 

Name: declan4 (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 02:49 AM · For: Chapter 12

Another great chapter.

Even though I love Fuffy stories, I'm always fascinated by any Willow/Faith interactions in them. They always have an interesting relationship.

I think Willow is with Faith like Xander is with Angel, she just doesn't really see clearly when it comes to her. (at least until Willow goes on her own little trip to the dark side...)

So its nice to see them both have a tense, heart to heart kinda thing.

Man, I thought we were gonna have a big Faith/ buffy arguement...and then Buffy gives a beautiful speech and suddenly that happens.

Very steamy, and worth the wait.

Love this.

Please post the next chapter soon...ish!

Author's Response:

I like that comparison, Willow seeing Faith as Xander sees Angel. Tho now you've brought up all my anti-Xander feelings... :p

I think Buffy is willing to admit when she's wrong usually, and by the time she sees Faith, Tara is already sorted out. She could continue to argue with Faith that regardless of outcome, she deviated from the plan and was reckless. Canon Buffy likely would, but Alt B I think is more able to be a team player and acknowledge when someone else was right. I imagine when Alt B/F got together, they had those kind of squabbles initially, but over time they both grew up. Which works out well for us because there are smoochies instead of snark. :) Thanks for reviewing!!  

Name: declan4 (Signed) · Date: 04/15/2014 02:43 AM · For: Chapter 11

Romantic Faith is so sweet and her interplay with Buffy is very well realised. Love it!

But no second date...:(

Man, poor Tara!

If Amy did something that horrible and then framed Willow, (and that's if) then she certainly ranks high on the 'evil bitch Big Bad' metre!

Interesting that Buffy didn't give Willow the benefit of the doubt (and I get why not) but Xander still does.

And Faith deciding to trust Willow and then going with her. Risky...and gripping!

Really well-written stuff!

Author's Response:

Thank you! You're a new reader, right? Happy to have snared you in my evil clutches. :)

Never let it be said that Xander's the sharpest crayon in the pack. He did stand between veiny Willow and the end of the world in the canon Season 6. :p  He was right both times though, haha. 

Amy is pretty full of stolen power by now, so she's def capable of attacking Tara viciously. I know you already read the next chapter so safe to speak freely. Willow's aiming to put Amy down hard after all this. We'll see if she succeeds. And literally I mean we, because I haven't written it yet! :D

Name: Aeschylus Rex (Signed) · Date: 02/19/2014 04:43 PM · For: Chapter 11

Hmmm...I say guiltocennt. Thanks for posting about this forum on fanifiction. I'm glad I found it. 

This may be my imagination, but it seems like you are more sympathetic towards Faith's character than Buffy's. Faith is rather likeable and relateable in both dimensions, whereas the Buffy character in Flowers for a Ghost was finicky, angry, and resentful. 

Author's Response:

You're welcome; thank you for coming and checking it out. :)

I am definitely not more sympathetic to Faith than Buffy. Actually it's the opposite. I am a giant Buffy apologist, and I get so ticked off when people act like Buffy did everything wrong on the show and all Faith needed was some kisses and cuddles to make her right as rain. Grrrrr. In Girl, I think I'm presenting both of them in a pretty favorable light. In Flowers, Buffy was angry, but this is also only about a year after Faith stole her body, had sex with her boyfriend, assaulted her mother, etc. Buffy of canon hadn't had time to really make peace with it yet. I didn't intend to portray Buffy's character in a bad way at all. I think she is the things you're saying, but I think that her being that way is 100% valid and she deserves tons of sympathy because Buffy in Flowers has a very hard transition moving into that world. I found it pretty interesting reading people's reviews to Flowers. Lots of readers were very sympathetic to Faith and saw Buffy as the bad guy. For me it was the opposite. I felt Buffy's feelings really strongly, and I was so in her head that Alt Faith sometimes felt like as much of a mystery to me as she did to Buffy. Maybe that's weird as a writer to admit. :p

Name: vampireslayer2 (Signed) · Date: 02/18/2014 10:50 PM · For: Chapter 11

Great story so far ..  Awesome.

 Can't wait too see if you will put the real Buffy,s back in there right worlds.   Before This Buffy loses her virginity to this world... (Ha! Ha!!)

This Faith knows that Willlow is innocent.    Although Tara should of been able to read that it was Amy..

Author's Response:

Tara's not immune to memory altering spells. Actually Lethe's Bramble is what was used in Season 6's memory changing spells, so that's why I chose it. :p Thank you, glad you are enjoying it! I finally got around to updating. Interesting that you should mention B's virginity... :D

Name: Anon (Anonymous) · Date: 02/14/2014 04:13 PM · For: Chapter 11

Good chapter, I know willow had a serious addiction to magic but I doubt even Dark Willow could bring herself to harm Tara in anyway, nevermind breaking her arm so I am hoping she is innocent but I guess you can never know. Look forward to seeing more.

Author's Response:

More is forthcoming! Soon, I hope. :) Time will tell if you're right. :p

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 02/09/2014 10:46 AM · For: Chapter 11

Updatey goodness soonish? Please, please, please. This story is awesome.

Author's Response:

Thank you. :) Update is finally up.

Name: stormwarning (Signed) · Date: 01/24/2014 01:13 AM · For: Chapter 11

Amazing just amazing. I can't believe how intensly your story sucked me in. Your evil amy would make a fabulous villian on the show, it makes wish they followed that route more. I can't explain how much I love the creepy critters. I don't think I've ever been so nervous reading something before. As cheesy as it sounds edge of my seat. 

Author's Response:

Haha, that's awesome! :) I'm happy to have you on the edge of your seat. Have you read my zombie fic? If you like creepy suspense that could be your jam. Hope to have an update for you on this one soon. :)

Name: twin who likes to travel (Anonymous) · Date: 01/13/2014 11:26 PM · For: Prologue & Chapter 1

I read the companion piece to this one on I had a feeling adter reading that you would have both Buffys jumping inrto the other's dimension. Another good start from you.

Author's Response:

Thanks, twin! :)

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 12/20/2013 01:01 PM · For: Chapter 11

Update soonish? Please? 

Author's Response:

Finally up!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 12/12/2013 07:00 PM · For: Chapter 11

Seriously, this just keeps getting better and Better. Please update soon. 

Author's Response:

Thank you! Dealing with some IRL issues but hope to post soon.

Name: lav718 (Signed) · Date: 12/05/2013 01:00 AM · For: Chapter 11

Just started reading. Thought you should know you got a fan. Great stories.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much. :D

Name: SilentlySlaying (Signed) · Date: 12/04/2013 01:51 PM · For: Chapter 11

Amy was the first thought that crossed my mind and I didn’t feel too inclined to change it after Tara’s reaction. I don’t think veiny Willow would have much of a reason to tiptoe around, and Amy kind of made it clear in an earlier chapter that she wants Willow on her side so killing her girlfriend and separating her from her friends would fit with that.

I did wonder if Tara was going to be dead though, what with it being you and all. :p

Faith is probably going to end up getting an angry glare from Buffy, even if some (silly) people would argue she was doing the right thing (But really? Help Willow or go on date with Buffy? There are more difficult decisions in life.)

Author's Response:

Nah, I love Tara! Hence why she survived Omega. :D Technically it wasn't help Willow or go on a date. :p It was help Willow or, umm, capture and bind Willow, possibly with magically induced injuries. :)

Name: SilentlySlaying (Signed) · Date: 12/01/2013 09:53 AM · For: Chapter 10

You're making me love Marcie. Stop it (Unless you promise not to kill her, in which case you may continue with my blessing)!

Buffy should really take her two victories and be grateful she didn't run over a squirrel. She must also be the most well-adjusted and understanding Buffy of any reality. No wonder Faith is smitten, even if they still have a few issues to work through.

The date and post-date were sweet, and you're very good at being a tease. :p

Author's Response:

You make a lot of accusations about me being a character killer, but aside from that ONE TIME I KILLED EVERYONE, when have I done it?! I don't think I killed any characters in any of my other fics actually. Oh, well, Spike, but come on. That's totally allowed, and in fact I would encourage everyone else to follow suit. Down with Spike I say. :D

I kind of love Marcie too. Did I tell you I was thinking about writing a Marcie-centered one shot? I mean, don't hold your breath or anything, but I bet I could deliver it by the end of 2015. 

Hey, Faith is the tease, not me!

Name: topak (Signed) · Date: 11/29/2013 10:36 AM · For: Chapter 11
Hey Brat,

I'm back to resume my duty as your number one irritant ;D Did you miss me? Bwahaha.

Like I said when we talked, I really liked the pace of this chapter. It had me on the edge (even though I was lying in bed :P). It started out like really light, with Ayan and Dawn talking about a boy, then things escalated quickly from there.

You had me questioning the Willow's 'supposed' action. But I wouldn't have predicted Tara as the victim of mind control. So unexpected! Yes, I am sure that Willow is blameless. Her actions in the last section showed her innocence.

I would have loved to see where Faith was taking Buffy!!! Darn. Now we'll never know about the romantic crap Faith's planned for Buffy.

“I’d really, really like to see you getting romantic by yourself.” Hahahaha!

I cannot wait for the next chapter. I wanna see how Faith's absence will affect her relationship with Buffy. This is gonna be goooood :D

Author's Response:

Hey Butt,

How could I not miss my number one irritant? 

All of them fell victim to Willow's memory wiping spell in Season 6, so there is definitely precedent for what she alleges happened here. 

I can't wait for the next chapter too! Did you finish writing it yet?


Name: madison4865 (Signed) · Date: 11/29/2013 06:23 AM · For: Chapter 11
innocent! willow might hurt faith, dawn or buffy, but she would NEVER physically hurt tara! glad faith is taking the leap and helping wills,might easy the tension between the two.

Author's Response:

Lol, I love how that makes Willow sound. "Well, she might torture all the other main characters, but damn it, she draws the line at Tara!" If in fact she is telling the truth, Faith's support here definitely will make an impact on their relationship, you're right. :)

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