The Chosen Two Archive
A Buffy/Faith Fanfiction Community

The Chosen Two Archives


Relationship [281]
Season [234]

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Site Info

Members: 1593
Series: 20
Stories: 292
Chapters: 1553
Word count: 7917671
Authors: 60
Reviews: 2556
Reviewers: 157
Newest Member: Howzitgoin


Omega-verse by aliceinwonderbra
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This series includes Omega Rising, a Buffy/Faith fic set against the backdrop of the zombipocalypse, and its companion piece(s).

Categories: Relationship > Buffy/Faith
Characters: Angel, Buffy Summers, Charles Gunn, Faith Lehane, Lilah Morgan, Lindsey McDonald, Lorne, Rupert Giles, Spike, Tara Maclay, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror
Warnings: Character Death, Gore
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Closed

Banner for zombie fanfic Apocalypse in A Minor

Apocalypse in A Minor by aliceinwonderbra

Rated: Teen starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

This is a ficlet set after my BtVS story, Omega Rising. It would probably make more sense if you read that first. How Lorne spent the apocalypse-for those of you wondering what happened to him after he exited Omega.

Category: Relationship > Non-shipped
Characters: Lilah Morgan, Lindsey McDonald, Lorne
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: Omega-verse
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1731 | Read count: 12434 | Published: 07/18/2013 | Updated: 07/18/2013 | Latest Chapter

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Banner for Buffy/Faith fanfic Omega Rising

Omega Rising by aliceinwonderbra

Rated: Mature starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 78]

Faith's been in prison for four months when a large scale zombie outbreak occurs. It's the end of the world. Again. Set after a modified Season 4.

Category: Season > Season 4, Relationship > Buffy/Faith
Characters: Angel, Buffy Summers, Charles Gunn, Faith Lehane, Spike, Tara Maclay, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Genres: Action, Adventure, Horror
Warnings: Character Death, Gore
Series: Omega-verse
Chapters: 16 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 59938 | Read count: 16173 | Published: 07/15/2013 | Updated: 07/18/2013 | Latest Chapter

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